chapter 2

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V p.o.v

While handling all that mistreat for about 200 minutes, they finally got tired and left. I got up from the floor suddenly feeling every bruise on my body hurt more and more. But, I had to act like I was okay or it'll be worse. I started walking to class being just a couple minutes late by me going to the restroom and washing up every drop of blood I had all over my face. I didn't want the others to know that I got beaten up, not like they would care actually.
Arriving to my classroom, I opened the door already feeling the glares coming towards me.



The teacher told me to sit down not after hiting me with her hard cover book at the back of my head. While doing so everybody just started laughing at the sudden action. I just sat down on my desk not paying attention to anybody.
While I had my head down I could hear the door suddenly opening. I raised my head to the sudden sound out of curiosity of who could it be. Then suddenly a tall figure came walking inside followed by 1 other behind it.

"Oh, yall should be my new sudents please introduce yourselfs."

"Hello, i'm Jeon Jungkook and i'm 17 years old." A dark red haired said while glaring like he didn't want to be here.

The girls started to squeal especifically the girl I liked. Yes, I like someone and her name was hyunga.

"Im Kim Namjoon and im 18 years old." A white haired guy said with an expressionless face.

The squeals remained.

"Okay, great. Y'all can have a seat next to......"

Oh no, the only 2 empty seats are the ones next to me.

"Im sorry but there are no more seats, I'll have to call someone to bring more."

"What about the 2 seats next to that guy." Jungkook said pointing towards me.

Holy shit, no.

"Hmmm, taehyung stand up, you're gonna sit on the floor for now, They wouldn't want to sit next to you." While saying that I slowly stood up from my seat.

"We never said such thing!" Jungkook suddenly yelled. "He can stay right where he is, we can sit next to him." Jungkook said, looking at the teacher with disgust in his face.

"HUUUHH!!" Everybody shouted, looking at Jungkook like he was crazy.

"Umm, ok Taehyung go back to your seat and you 2, yall are still new and still don't know nothing y'all can always come up to me if there's any problem or if you change your minds and wanna switch seats."

while the teacher saying that I could feel the glares of everyone towards me.
Out of all those stares I could feel the eyes of the guy name Jungkook towered me feeling the same way as the other stares.

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