11 | Bury

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Hagami is Aki and Aki was Hagami... Hiruzen's eyes caught a glimpse of her. He could tell by her eyes. They were the almond shape they always were and her name also gave it away. She could've at least done better with the name considering it was her mother's. She still has ties to the Village, this must be particularly hard on her. But making a move now would be unwise. If no one else can identify her, Konohagakure can stay safe in terms of trust. He referred to the fact that if a Village found out that a Rogue participated, trust between Villages would waver immensely.

"Alright, I've got your numbers written down. I'll have two Jōnin here to escort you out of the Village. Have a safe trip back to Amegakure and I look forward to seeing you the next round." He gave them a curt nod.

"Arigato (Thank you), we appreciate your understanding and generosity." Their proctor bowed her head and Anashi, Hitori, and Hagami followed after.

"Please, follow us." Tsume approached them and Hagami recognized her as Kiba's mother. Another Jōnin also followed, one that Hagami hadn't really become acquainted with.

Their proctor hummed in response and motioned for the other three to follow. Silently, they exited the training room and swiftly made it through the Forest of Death. Apparently, when just traveling, it's not much of a job to avoid who-knew-what, and when they did encounter something, they merely cut it down. Tsume took her position in the front with her ninken companion by her side. The other Jōnin stayed in the back in case of another Squad trying to attack or a beast lashing out at them.

Upon making it to the gates, Anko was still positioned out there. Or rather, eating dango and throwing them into the wood to make the Konohagakure symbol. She was eating joyously until Tsume called out,

"Oi, we've got a Squad that's dropping out." Tsume shouted and Anko shot her a glare. She definitely took her time to get to the gates and minutes later, unlocked the door.

"Oh, the Amegakure Squad? Seems reasonable since they never participate in these Exams. Probably came as a surprise." Anko laughed it off as they walked through. Their proctor gave her a small bow after exchanging some words about them entering the next year.

"Alright, now get outta here. We probably have another Squad or two to escort over here now." Tsume said bluntly. It was in an Inuzuka's nature to be so blunt, and borderline rude sometimes, so Hagami didn't take much offense to her. However, Anashi did give her a small glare to which Hagami smacked him over the head for.

"Let's go." Their proctor said turning toward the gates; she payed no heed to the small quarrel. They'd meet up with two more Jōnin to escort them to the Konohagakure Gates.

"Hai." Hagami responded and took up the lead behind their proctor.

Leaving the training grounds, two Jōnin stood waiting for them. Hagami knew the two of them quite well and she hoped that she'd avoid them throughout her time here. Maito Gai and Hatake Kakashi both stood at the edge of the training grounds whilst Hagami approached them.

Their proctor slowed her steps to greet them; and after exchanging a few words, they were already on their way. They didn't run through the Village, that wouldn't be the best idea considering there were tons of civilians wandering around. But the unusual thing was, was that Kakashi and Gai avoided talking to their proctor and the participants altogether. And for Hagami, it was odd to not hear Gai about babbling something, anything really. For a moment, she wondered whether or not that they had been revealed.

"Travel safely to Amegakure. We look forward to seeing you next round." Kakashi's half-hearted voice snapped Hagami back into reality. She took a glance at him but in Kakashi's visible eye, he didn't seem to recognize her.

The Story of Hagami II [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now