2 | Dead

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When someone's gone for so long, it seems like they're actually dead. It's not literal, just in the context they're dead to certain people. But in the backs of their minds, it's as though they're a ghost, a grim reminder that they're still out there, still waiting to make their move.

Sasuke hissed when his fist collided into the wooden post. Pulling his arm back, his hand trembling slightly from the pain and he gritted his teeth to keep a wince down. Bruises began forming immediately too. Itachi watched him from afar, his arm crossed and with a calculative glaze in his eyes.

Despite being a ways away in the tree line, Itachi was still in earshot, "You're being too tedious with your attacks so that when you strike your power is nearly gone." He criticized calmly but only received a glare from Sasuke. Itachi let out a patient sigh, "You know, you don't have to carry the burden of-"

"Yes I do Itachi," Sasuke seethed. His Sharingan had been long awakened, and they were focused straight at Itachi. "She'll pay for tarnishing the Uchiha name. Too many of us have already ruined our name." Over the years, Sasuke lost almost all of his emotions, or at least bottled them up. Formalities such as 'Nīsan' or '-Sensei' were seemingly nonexistent in his vocabulary toward adults and Clan members. He became aloof, apathetic even when he was confronted and rarely ever smiled anymore unless it was a confident, borderline cocky smirk. It was rare to get an acknowledgment from him too.


The next morning, Squad 7 was called for a meeting at one of the bridges in Konohagakure. Sasuke was the first to arrive. He was seen leaning against the fence, calmly keeping his façade up and barely spared a glance to Sakura when she arrived. She, on the other hand, didn't take to the railing and just stood in wait for their third teammate to arrive or their Sensei.

Naruto's footsteps snapped Sakura out of her thought when he came running up to the two of them. Naruto greeted Sakura first, "Ohayo (Good morning), Sakura-chan." He said cheerfully until he caught sight of Sasuke. The two were complete opposites, who could deny that? But they took it to a new level. Bordering disgust for each other, they snapped their heads a different way, trying to ignore each others presence to the best of their abilities.

Oh, not again! Sakura thought giving the two of them a glare. Of course, her glare on Sasuke wasn't as threatening as it was on Naruto. These two... They've been sort of strange since we've got back from the Land of Waves. It's almost uncomfortable with these two at each others neck more than usual. Sakura muttered.

A possible thirty minutes passed the group and the beating sun didn't help them. The heat was becoming almost unbearable, and they were almost at the ends of their patience.

"Mā... Ohayōgozaimasu (Well... Good morning everyone)." Kakashi suddenly greeted over head. When Sakura and Naruto snapped their heads up toward their Sensei they saw him perched on the structures that were on both sides of the bridges. Kakashi had his hand raised too, greeting them nonchalantly. "Today I got lost." He merely stated as a poor excuse.

Both Naruto and Sakura shrieked in protests, raising their fists knowing that it was a lie by now.

"Hey, hey, Kakashi-Sensei..." Naruto had his fists underneath his chin that showed his excitement. "We've been having a lot of easy missions lately! Aren't there anymore exciting missions where it involves more action?" He asked hopefully.

"Ehm...yes," Kakashi trailed off in an awkward manner. "I understand what you're trying to say but..." He was cut off when Naruto's thoughts became trained on another. He glanced over his shoulder to see Sasuke with his hands tucked in his pockets. There was a cool atmosphere around him but Naruto's thoughts were raging.

The Story of Hagami II [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now