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Maya's pov

Since mom is finally feeling better we decided to hit up the mall. I'm in need of new clothes. All my current clothes either are too childish or too small. We invited dad to come with us but he had an emergency work meeting halfway across the country. 

"Mom what about this?" I ask as I told up a pair of jeans against my body.

"No rips." She sighs.

Thats so unfair. I'm not a baby anymore I can wear a pair of jeans with a couple of holes in them.

I stomp my feet as I go to put the jeans away and I see my mom roll her eyes.

I pick up the ugliest pair of pants I've ever seen in my entire life and stomp my way back over to mom.

"What. Aren't you happy now?" I ask her.

"Yes. No rips just like I asked." She smiles and walks away.

She really doesn't seem like she wants to be here which really upsets me because all I wanted was to just spend some time with her outside the house.

All I can find in this store are jeans and shirts with rips all over them. This is so frustrating all I want is to dress a little more grown up but apparently thats not going to happen.

"Are you done at this store?" Mom asks as she comes back over to me.

"I guess so." I grunt although I still wanted to look around some more.

She's been really quiet usually she's all over me telling me to try on a billion different outfits.

I don't feel like arguing with mom today so I'm going to try and keep my mouth shut about how I'm feeling.

"Okay then let's go."

It upsets me that she can't tell how sad I am.


"I don't really want to look around anymore." I say as we walk out another store empty handed again.

"Why not." She says as she rolls her eyes at me again.

"I can tell you don't want to be here and you don't want to buy me anything I like." I finally say.

"It's not that I don't want to be here, I'm just- you don't have to worry about it." She hesitates.

"What happened to the days where you wanted the most extravagantly colourful clothes from Justice?" She asks as she puts her arms around me to pull into a hug.

"I'm not a little kid anymore."

"I know you're not baby girl. I just miss buying matching tracksuits with the word 'gymnast' all over it."

I laugh at the fashion choices I've made in the past.

"Lets go back and I'll buy you those jeans you wanted." She says and I smile.

"Oh and after that we are going to Justice and I am going to pick out an outfit for you." She says and now I roll  my eyes.

"Fine." I say and to be fair I would still wear it.

I know I'm still a kid and there's nothing wrong with wearing clothes from a kids store. I just want to try and make different fashion choices now.


We get home and walk in carrying handfuls of shopping bags. After we went to one store we were just on a roll and I bought so much stuff I'll need a new closet.

Mom comes in behind me helping me carry in a few more bags. Surprisingly she didn't buy anything.

"I am so tired. It's been a long day and I don't think you'll have room to fit that all in your closet." She says.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do." I laugh.

"Leave all your bags down here and we'll go grab a few boxes from the basement. We can donate some old  clothes  that you won't to be wearing.

"Okay." I say and I run downstairs.

I'm sad to be losing my clothes but I know it'll be going to people in need.

I walk up the stairs and I hold up a couple of boxes. Mom nods in approval.

She doesn't offer to help me but just walks upstairs and closes the door to her room.

She has been saying she's tired so I ignore it and just head straight to my room.

The faster I fill up these boxes the faster I can fill up my closet with my new clothes. I put on some music as I pack.

I can't decide what I'm supposed to do with my even dresses. They're too small to wear but they hold a sentimental value to me since I wore them to red carpet events.

I walk out of my room and gently knock on my mom's door.

"What should I do with my nice dresses?"

"I don't know. It's up to you." she says. "Come snuggle with me."

Forgetting what I was doing I lay next to her until my eyelids close.


sorry I suck and I'm busy lol

I wrote this over two years ago haha

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