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Maya's pov

"Our marriage by the time you were two was crumbling. We were just holding onto it with some tied up strings." He says.

"Oh." I sigh.

"I was going out to clubs and getting drunk, and your mom was home taking care of you, honey you gotta know how much I regret that." He says looking down again.

I don't want to be in the same room with him anymore. But I also want to know the story.

"I never kissed any one when I went partying it was nothing more than just dancing, I swear, but Demi found a picture of me dancing with a girl and she left for a night." He says, takes a breath and continues.

"Just for a night. That very night I was sober. I wanted to try things again, but your mom went out and kissed some random stranger." He says.

"When I found out over the Internet," He sighs and stops. "Maya maybe I shouldn't be telling you this without Demi err I mean your mom knowing."

I shake my head no. I can't speak because I'm on the verge of tears.

"Well, when I found out I did something I regret every single day of my life." He says.

Why won't he tell me? I want to- no I need to know.

"I don't think it's my story to tell." He says. "I did something I promised her many times I'd never do and she left with you." He says.

"There's so much more to this story, and none of what happened is your mom's fault, I know from her parents what really happened, and if you ever talk to her about this, just make sure she knows none of it is her fault." He says, really emphasizing it. "None of this is her fault or yours."

After he said all that the room went silent. We turned the TV on and some random show was playing, I switched the channel. We watched a couple of American Idol audition episodes.

I don't know what to think. He really didn't clear things up. To be honest I think I'm more confused. If she went out and kissed someone random stranger how is that not her fault. I mean I guess dad was out clubbing a lot. They can both take the blame not just dad.

I look at the clock and it's now eight. I look at my dad.

"Maybe you should leave." I tell him.

"Okay." He sighs. "I love you."

"Love you too." Just loudly enough for him to hear. He sighs and gets up from the couch. I just want to know what he did to mom.

He's walking to the door and my butt vibrates. It's my phone. I answer it. I look at the screen and It's... You guessed it Demi.

I hit answer and the first thing I hear is Demi crying.

"I'm in his washroom! Help!" Then a loud sob escapes.


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Belong TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora