thirty one

441 21 3

Maya's pov

Anna drove me home since neither mom or dad would pick up the phone. I reminded dad before he left that he had to pick me up at eight since Ms. Christi had somewhere to be.

Of course I left the keys in my room the one time I need them. Ms. Christi is waiting for me to walk in so she can drive away but no one is answering the door.

I ring the doorbell as many times as I can. I push it so many times that my finger starts to cramp. What is taking them so long. 

"Maya!" I hear Anna yell. I lean against the door to face her car.

Just then I lose my balance. The door is being opened, I fall flat on my butt and I look up to see dad rubbing his forehead.

"Maya, once was definitely enough." He groans.

I see Anna from a distance waving goodbye as she drives away. I wave back to her and stand up.

"Clearly not. It took you two minutes to answer the door." I groan as I shove past him.

What does he have to be angry for. I was the once that fell flat on my butt.

"What's the attitude for? Didn't you have fun at Anna's?" He asks.

"I did." I say. "Remember I told you to pick me up at eight?" I tell him.

He nods and furrows his eyebrows.

"Well it's now eight thirty." I say angrily.

"Ms. Christi had somewhere to be and I called you like a million times." I say.

"Oh." He says.

That's it. I grumble to get my point across that I'm angry and head upstairs to my room with my duffle bag from last night across my shoulder.

Once I reach my room I throw my bag down and let out I heavy breath. What was I so angry about?

I had a fun day yesterday. Anna and I stayed up almost the whole night watching youtubers and Netflix.

In the back of my mind I know it's just because being at home is gonna be less fun than I had in the last day.

I'm gonna have to tiptoe around Demi so I don't anger or upset her which is very tricky. Dad will tell me to behave better which won't make any sense since I hardly do anything too bad.

I sit on my phone and watch the videos and pictures I took yesterday at the mock meet.

I remember my first mock meet. I was so nervous. I was five and it was really rushed. I competed my first mock meet then competed in a real competition the week after.

I scroll through my Google pictures until I get to the videos of my first meet. I watch them and start laughing.

I was so little. I scrunch my face as I watch myself on the small screen in my hand. I had this smug smirk on my face. I already knew I would win.

I was backhand springing across the floor when I was six while other kids were working on cartwheels.

I still have the same smirk even though the competition is a lot tougher now.


Do you guys play any sports?

I dance and box

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