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Maya's pov

I can hear my mom crying through my phone so I stick my arm out handing it to my dad. He took the phone from me when he heard her voice and it's now on speakerphone. I would not have been able to pull myself together to talk to her.

"Demi, where are you?" He asks.

"His house." She cries out.

"I don't think she knows the address." I say pointing out the obvious.

Dad sighs. "Demi stay on your phone okay, stay on the line."

"No more hiding from me, baby I want to taste your lips." Someone slurs into the phone and I hear mom scream.

"Maya in the car now." Dad yells. I don't argue.

I tell dad what restaurant mom was at and he starts driving in that direction, he hands me his own phone opened to some app.

"Type in your mom's Apple ID and password." I do as he says. It's a tracker so we can track mom's phone.

I hear mom crying, Wilmer has my phone in his lap. He has his own phone, tracking mom in his hand. We're speeding down every road. I know this is totally not the right time but I feel like I'm in a movie. But mom's hurting and I don't even want to think about that. He speeds down the road following the map on his phone.

"Demi I'm gonna hang up now, you're going to be safe I promise." He says and hangs up.

Why would he hang up? What if something happens?

"Why did you hang up, mom is scared out of her-" He cuts me off.

He's on the phone with the police. He gives all of the information he knows and hands me my phone.

I'm about to call mom again but we're almost where the tracker says mom is. I hope she's okay. She has to be. She's Demi, she's my mom she has to be okay. I start crying quietly. We just started bonding again. I told her she should go out tonight. It's all my fault.

We ignore all the traffic laws as we speed down the road. I'm in the passenger seat just watching the road slip away. After what feels like forever but only like fifteen minutes we're at this guys house.

"Stay in the car." Dad says, I listen. Dad opens the door and walks out.

Just then I hear police sirens. There are three cars and six officers, two in each. Dad says something and they all march into this guys house.

Okay, this is real and happening. I'm so scared but I can't panic, something is stopping me. I just need to know mom is okay, and then I can freak out. We're in a pretty suburban area, the houses all look nice and alike.

I can't stop thinking about what's going on inside. What if something happened to mom? I can't watch her suffer. What if something happened to dad? Why are they all still in the house? I want to go in but dad told me to stay in the car and I don't want to cause more trouble.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted this Jack guy. But Marissa said she trusted him and obviously if Marissa can trust him Demi can too. I can't believe Marissa set this date up. What was she thinking?

I know I can't assume things. She's always been nice. She couldn't have known but she could have at least set mom up with someone she had more information on.

After what feels like forever because it probably has been I see the door open again.

They have a guy in handcuffs and he's looking down. Then they bring out another guy in handcuffs.

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