thirty three

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Maya's pov

"I still don't understand why you're leaving?" Mom says. Mom and dad have been arguing all morning.

"I told you I'm not leaving. They need me to fly to Vancouver to finish shooting some scenes." Dad explains. "Why does it matter anyways, you only needed because you were hurt now you're doing better."

I hear loud stomps coming up the stairs. Probably mom because she always seems to just leave an argument when its not worth fighting.

I forgot that was the reason dad was around. Since Demi is getting better maybe that'll mean he will leave.

I don't want him to leave though, he and mom have been getting along so much better. She's been happier and she started paying more attention to me when he started living with us again.

Mom just looked happier and less stressed with him around. Although it wasn't like that when he stayed the first few nights. We finally are comfortable living with each other and it'll probably be changing soon. Nothing in my life ever stays constant. It's always a moving blur.

I guess it's good to have change but it's also nice to have some sort of routine. I mean imagine doing something different every single day. You'll never develop a strong skill of consistency.

With all the family drama going on I've just been focusing as much time as I can on gymnastics.

Even though I competed in the past I never took the sport very seriously. I never had to try as hard as anyone else to be good. I had to miss a lot of practices and meets because of my mom's work schedule. I was pulled out of my team skipping practices. I made it back on since I was just naturally better than most of the girls my age.

Not to sound overconfident but I'm the only one on my team that makes it on the podium at every meet. So my coach had to have me back on the team.

Now that mom is taking a break from work. I want to start taking gymnastics seriously again. I started stretching like crazy at home and I've been practicing my skills in the basement.

Demi's Pov

This is all too much. I finally acknowledged to myself that I still had feelings for Wilmer and now he's leaving. A small part of me knows that I should've realized that I would fall back for him.

Now I regret ever having him stay here. He's leaving to film tonight. I know that I can survive without him. I've been doing it for years. He and Maya have developed a really good bond and I don't want to break that.

This whole situation has screwed everything up. Now Maya's going to want to leave more often to go stay with Wilmer and I'm going to have this big empty house all to myself.

Just then the toaster dings and Wilmer walks back into the room. I just give him a death glare while putting the toast on a plate. We're making sandwiches for lunch.

"Maya come down for lunch." I yell.

I shove the plates of food in Wilmer's hand and he brings it over onto the dining room table. He grabs drinks and forks to set up the table.

"Butter or no butter?" He asks me.

"No butter." I reply quickly. "Maya did you hear me?" I yell once again.

"I'm here." I hear her say softly from the dining room.

"Oh." I guess I didn't hear her coming down.

I hold the counter as I walk. I'm still really wobbly when I bear weight on my legs so I'm trying my best.

Just walking five feet tires me out and it feels like I'm going to fall. I groan and lean my body over the counter.

"Demi?" Wilmer sees me leaning on the counter. "You okay?"

"Mmhmm." I stand up straight and try to shove past him as I hobble a bit.

He holds my elbow to steady my balance. He helps me to the table and we both sit down.

"Thanks." I mumble.

Wilmer doesn't say anything back. We all start stuffing our sandwiches with the fix ins that are on the table.

Maya's the first one to take a bite. I just stare at her. When did she grow up so much? I just admire her beauty. Some might find it strange but I can't stop staring at her. There's just a glow in her eyes that'd indescribable. Wilmer and I created her as a product of our love.

"Is there anything wrong?" Maya asks me.

"Hmm?" I make a weird sound and start eating. 

Maya just furrows her eyebrow and gets right back to eating.

Where did the time go?


Yay an update!

I'm probably gonna end the book soon cus I literally can't think of a plot..
Unless somebody can comment or dm me ideas :)

I hope everybody had a great holiday! I wish you all the best in the new year. Thank you so much to everybody reading this story and supporting me. You guys are all amazing.

If I don't update in the next few weeks just nag me and I probably will update  lol..

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