Don't cry anymore

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Dipper stood just outside of the Mistory Shacks land.

He couldn't get any closer. The Unicorn hair worked against him him.

He was hiding in a pine tree, sitting on a branch well out of sight.

How should he go about this? What should he do? Do they even want to see him after he pushed them away?

He's so different.

He choose Bill over them.

He watched the door open and Ford stepped out and looked around before walking away. He was armed thought it was needless.

He's under Dippers protection.

Another form ran out.

"Grunkle Ford, you can't! Not again!" She said firmly glaring at him but not with hate. Worrie and sorrow filled her gaze.

"No Mabel. Dippers in their! He's alive! I didn't believe it... But he's in their. He's alive. And I'm going to get him back. Bill has don't thangs to him. He needs to be saved!"

"How many times are we going to have to stop you!? We can't do anythang untill that place is no longer on lockdown!" Grunkle Stan snapped walking out behind Mabel.

"I can't sit and do nothing!!" He yelled.

Mabel looked ready to cry. "You think its easy for us!?" She almost sobbed out.

Stan was hiding behind a cold mask hiding his hurt and sorrow.  "We care too! But we can't do anythang right now!"

Ford looked slightly crazed. "Their has to be something!"

He should stop this. They want him back.

But do they feel bad for what they have done?

He slid down from the tree touching the ground walking as they argued.

This was just a repeat.

From what Dipper has gatherd this has happened before.

Ford has been to Bill's castle many times since they saw him. But the place was on complete lock down.

No way in.

The first few times they went togeather but Stan and Mabel quickly realised they would have to wait.

Ford refused to accept that. He thought he was smarter and they were overlooking something.

Dipper was silent as he moved across the forest floor past trees unnoticed. He didn't even realise he was not touching the ground but his steps were just hovering above it.

His eyes one blue one brown watched them argue untill he had to look away.

Why dose he feel so cold?

He shook his head. Silent steps moving further. He doesn't need Bill. He's being controlled. This feeling is Bills fault.



He stopped moving hearing Mabels voice. He realised he was walking away from them.

Where was he going?

He turned to look at them only his blue eye seen.

They were frozen, looking at him shocked.

"Dipper? Is that you?" Mabel asked.

Is it? He wants to know too.

He turned around Ford gasping at his eyes.

Mabel moved to him as he stood their looking at the tears in her eyes.

He didn't move. He wonders if he should cry, or scream. Could he tell them everything?

Where was his voice?

She stepped out of the boundary he could not pass and was a foot from him.

She looked down and he looked up. The silence killing him and her and them.

"Is that you?" She asked again.

"Am I me?" He asked somehow shoving both of them with his voice.

She reached out moving his messy hair revealing his birth mark.

"Dipper..." Her voice cracked as she fell level with him.

She looked in his eyes as he still watched tears slide down her face.

"What has he done to you?" She sobbed out yanking him to her crying into his shoulder holding onto him for dear life.

He looked at the grunkles that were moving to them.

"Is it really you?" Stans gruff voice asked.

Dipper looked down.

"What's left."

Was this him?

"Is this a trap?" Ford's voice asked.

"I don't know."

They stared at him while Mabel cryed.

He had so much to say.

But knew this would be hard.

He was going to live in this moment for now.

Ford and Stan moved to him to look him over and hug him as well.

He could wait a little longer. He watched their tears.

He finally let a few years fall as they all hugged him.

They noticed his bears were red. He was conflicted on if he was crying Becuse he was happy, or scared.

He wanted them to stop crying its their fault.

"I'm back. I'm home..."

He's such a lier.

"Don't cry anymore."

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