Ever since that moment she was harboring her hate and training to one day kill her sister."

"Did she kill her?" Sasuke asked quite intrigued with the story.

"Well, I'm getting there. She spent years training and honing her skills to kill her, that was what her heart was set on. But her friends didn't like what was happening to her, because she was no longer the happy girl that they knew. Her friends tried to reach out to her, but she always refused saying that she needed to get stronger. She was obsessed.

One day, she went out to find her sister when she felt like she was ready. It's been about twenty years since the last time they met. She finally came face to face with her foe, the foe she has been obsessing about since she was a little girl, it was her moment. They fought and fought for a long time.."

"So what happened?" Sasuke asked.

"What do you think?"

"She finally killed her? And she is happy again?"

"We'll find out. The battle ended, and the little raven-haired girl won. But in return for her loss, she lost both of her hands, she already lost her friends because she was rejecting them the whole time, she lost her sister, and yet she didn't even feel content. She wasted her life on obsessing over revenge, only to lose the majority of her life, friends, family, and her dream. Even after all of this she can't move towards her dream to become a medic, because she lost her hands to her revenge."

The boy Sasuke looked over at her shocked.

"Well, your knee is all healed. I'll be going now.." She said as she was about to leave.

"Wait-" But it was too late. She was gone. He then remembered the ribbon, he looked sown and saw that the kanji was different.

Revenge isn't the answer.

 He was going to think things through, because he definitely didn't want to become like that one girl. He stuffed the ribbon into his pockets and walked away.


 I middle-aged man, around his twenties(I think)with silver gravity defying hair, was walking down the street with a book in his hand. He was walking towards the memorial, where he seems to go quite often. Once he arrived he put his book away and stared at the memorial stone solemnly. He began having memories of all the times he had with the people he knew on that stone, then he began moving towards other grave stones. The entire time he was walking through, he was reliving the past. He was walking past a grave stone when he saw the most peculiar thing. It was a pink ribbon with some Kanji in it. 

Move on.

  He looked around, but couldn't sense any other chakra signatures. He bent down and picked it up. He felt the ribbon in his hands, and was trying to figure out why the ribbon had those two words. 

"It's a shame isn't it?" A feminine voice said from behind him. He was taken off guard, he thought for sure, that there was no one else here. He reacted quickly and was suddenly behind a brunet with a kunai poking against her neck. 

"Who are you?"

"Nobody" She replied.

"Tell me who you are." Kakashi said, not letting his guard down.

"A girl who is mourning over her loved ones."

"That isn't enough information."

"Well, I promise I'm not going to do any harm. I am just revisiting the past."

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