I lept out extending my arms and catching the branch. I then felt a very painful feeling in my chest, "Agh" I muttered slipping and falling into Dicks arms.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just about" I chuckled dryly.

"Sky im-" Wally began.

"Wally, it wasn't your fault, you tripped,  so what?" I said cutting him off.

"Yeah but-"

"Hey, I said its not your fault" I huffed as Dick put me down, I tripped slightly and he scooped down to pick me up. "Agh, thanks Dick" I smiled and stoot up leaning on him slightly.

"Well, better get you to Alfred" he huffed helping me walk to the Batcave, Wally dragging on behind. "Wally-y" I wined at his sad face.

"Wha-at?" he whined back.

"Stop being moody! I'm fine, it was my fault not yours so stop acting like you killed something and move on!" I huffed as alfred passed Dick an odd look then followed us into the cave.

Wally waited outside as Alfed sat me down, "What hurts miss?"

"I think I just pulled something Alf, I don't feel that bad, at least not now anyway" I smiled showing him my still in tact stitches.

"I see miss, just take it easy" he said.

"Thanks Alf" I grinned walking out the cave.

"So...?" Wally asked.

"Stitches are still in tact, I'll survive, Alfred just said to take it easy" I smiled giving Dick a hug.

"So, wanna play a game?"

"On the PS3?" Dick asked.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Okay, you sit on the sofa, what game do you want?" Dick asked as we entered the main room and I sat on the sofa. "Urmm... Kingdom Hearts"

"Haha, that game, should have guessed" Dick smirked pulling out the 1.5 remix.

"its single player isn't it?" Dick asked.

"Yeah but we can take it in turns" I grinned as Dick put in the disk and threw me the controler. I smiled a thanks and he and Wally sat down.

"So... how do you play?" Wally asked.

"Watch and learn" I smirked and pressed play. I came up in the jungle as Sora. I had to fight clayton andamonster heartless (Clayton from tarzan and a heartless are the bad guys) I came up to the right place and started button mashing.

Wallys mouth hung open as I started using the magic and juping around the screed whilst dodge rolling. "Man, she's good" wally said to Dick.

"Haha, thanks Wallman" I laughed as I wrapped up the fight and saved.

"Hey sky, wanna go on aracing game?" Dick asked once the game was saved.

"Sure" I smiled going to get up.

"Ill do it" he laughed putting in a racing game and grabbing two more controlers. He passed one to Wally then sat down.

"What racing game is this?" I asked.

"You'll find out" he smirked as the home screen loaded. I clicked on the game "YES! Mario carts! I'm ace at this!" I grinned.

"Not much of a..." Wally trailed off as I shot him a glare.

I then smirked and set up the game, we all picked our characters, I chose Rosealina, Dick chose Donkey kong and Wally Chose Donkey Kong Jr then high fived Dick. We customised our carts then the game started.

I shot off and grabbed a box then ended up blowing up DK jr aka Wally. The game was very competitive but lets just say, it ended up with me winning, Dick coming second and Wally 5th. It ended with Dick laughing at Wally and me laughing as I stood up, almost falling over if Dick hadn't caught me... again.

And we were back in big brother mode. "Dude, not cool!" Wally huffed as Dick pulled me up from my half on the floor pose. "Thanks bro" I smirked and received a raised eyebrow.

"Sky, I think me and Wally are having an all nighter, you want to join?"

"Sure" I grinned standing up "Which room we in?"

"Urm... your room has most of the stuff in it so you go to my room, ill bring the stuff, Wally, you can keep her company whilst I get everything" Dick said.

"okay" I grinned, sleepover with Dick and Wally. Should be cool.

"So, Sky, you going to stay as a hero then?" Wally asked, Dick also paid attention to my answer "Hell yeah! its awsome, painful, but awsome!" I grinned.

"Haha, ok, when you going back to crime fighting?" Dick asked.

"Tuesday" I smiled.

"Kay, im going with you" Dick smirked.

"okay" I smiled as we made it to my room. Dick went in and me and wally went to Dicks room.

Soon as I saw the flying Graysons poster I felt sadder. Wally must have noticed this because he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Its okay Sky, Dicks here, your not the only one" he assured.

"Yeah but... Wally I miss them" I said letting a tear slip down my face.

"I never even got to say goodbye" I whispered wiping the tear away.

"Dicks coming" he whispered as I held back the tsunami and put on a smile.

"Hi, got it!" he grinned. I nodded and sat on his bed. He joined me with Wally, dick was in the middle beside me. I immidiatly felt more happy. Wallys right, im not the only Grayson, I have Dick, in Dicks eyes hes the last one, for him, im dead... I have to tell him soon I thought to myself.

Wally picked a movid and we watched it. I fell asleep first. (When I woke up Dick claimed Wally was second) I woke up sitting on dicks bed leaning against the Wall, Wally was in a sleeping bag and Dick was in the bed (I was at the end of the bed sitting ontop of the duvet, Dick was sleeping like anyother person would) I woke up gently, I slid off the bed and carefully walked out the room to mine. I pulled my phone from its charger 4:30 AM.

I huffed and flopped on my bed pulling out my scetch pad. I drew a few scetches to start with then began a picture of a Dog. I got about halfway through then got bored.

So I decided to put it away and try to get to sleep. I woke up to Dick shaking me "Hellooo" he said.

"Hi" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"You okay?"

"Yeah?" I smiled yauning.

"Good, Wallys gone home, what do you want to do?"

"Urmmm I dunno" I mumbled sitting up.

"Okay, how about you come downstairs?"

"I don't know" I mumbled ttrying to get back to sleep.

"Hey Sky, you want me to ask Bats if you can join Young Justice?"

"Young what?"

"Basically a mini justice league for sidekicks"

"I dunno, would he mind?"

"Its mainly up to the leader Aqualad, but Bats wont mind"

"Who else is there?"

"Urm Miss Martian, Artemis, Superboy, Aqualad and Wally" I smiled.

"Wally, huh cool, so you won't be the only one I know" I smiled.

"No, but we can't tell them our identity, we always have to wear either highly reflective glasses or the mask" he huffed.

"Cool, so Wally is the only one who knows us?"

"Yeah" he smiled.

"So I always have to call you Robin, and you have to call me Starling?"

"Yup" he grinned.

"Ill think about it" I smiled, and the day went on.

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)Where stories live. Discover now