Chapter 11

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"What happened? You good?" Ella asks as I go out of Yugyeom's room. I take a deep breath before nodding. "You scared us!"

"I was more scared," I just answer before going back to my space at the sofa.

I check my phone and my brother is asking me what time I'm coming home. I see Gyeommie walk to me and sit again on the armrest.

"Hey, Gummy, can we take a picture?"

Wait. What? Picture? We?

"Come on, give me your phone," he says and takes my phone from me.

I look stupid. My face is red from crying and I'm still shocked from his sudden picture proposal. God, I look ugly.


I found out that Mark likes Aileen. Well, he was teasing us but JB suddenly teases him too. Too bad Aileen is on Marga's since they are the partners. Mark and I were teasing each other while waiting for the bus.

"No goodbye kiss?" Mark points at Yugyeom so I punch him lightly. I already look stupid the whole day, now he's making me flustered?

"Get in," Gyeommie says. "You know where to go down and take another bus right?"

"Yea," I answer and follow the others. I look for a seat since Mark and JB, Ella and Reah, are sitting beside each other. I took the one behind the girls and look out the window. This is probably the last time I'm going here. One, because it's too far. Two, because I don't have any reason to come again anyways.

"What's with the face?"

My eyes widen when I look to my right and Yugyeom is sitting beside me. The bus starts moving and I'm still staring at him.

"I'll just come with you to your next stop. Your laptop seems heavy."

I look on the other side and JB is pushing Mark's face away from our side. So they were peeking!

JB, Reah, and Ella got off on their stops so it's only me, Mark and Yugyeom remaining.

"You sleepy?" Yugyeom asks so I shake my head. My eyes feel heavy but too much has happened today and I don't dare add more. This is probably the result of lack of sleep and exhaustion from travelling places and recovering the thesis. I can feel my body relaxing and slowly leaning towards Yugyeom.

Thank God, the bus turns and I finally see my stop. I sit up properly and check my stuffs.

"Text me when you're home. Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"No, I'm fine. It's an hour away and I know you're also tired."

I know I used to complain about how only talk through phones but I realize I look stupid when it's personal so I'll take the prior.


"My brother is picking me up on my stop too so... I'm good," I add. He looks relieved. The bus comes and I get in. I see him wait for my bus to go before crossing the street to go home.

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I LOVED YOU FIRST- an AU ft. GOT7 Yugyeom (xreader)Where stories live. Discover now