"Shitty e'yo you're complaining about being the Moon?"

"Give me your account if you're not using it."

"You were the Moon??"

"Yes he got most popular?"

"Wow nice going Yo."

"You can see it on our university website, plus all the talent events were added as well. You can see Yo sing as well."

"He sang?"

"Oh let me see."

Monty you bastard! He's showing them the site.

"Don't play it." But the bastards played it; there all gathered around his phone listening to me sing. Dam you all to hell.

"ohh Nong Yo, you're really good. Who was the song for?"

"Did you go eat after?"

"Did you maybe have a private dinner alone in your or her room."

"I refuse to answer anything you ask."

"ohh they had dinner after, and the giver of the 99 roses 'ate Yo'."

There was roaring laughter, e'elephat you bastard. Why did you say!.

"Someone gave him 99 roses?"

"Yes for the most popular vote."

Now there all looking at me and oohing. I hate them all this was a huge mistake.

The coach is happily watching all this, stop them you're the adult. But I think he likes the atmosphere, he seems happy to see all his team having fun and P'New laughing as well. He must really have been worried about him.

My gang is all flirting with the team, who are all happy to flirt right back. What have I done??

Were all walking back to the pool, our cars are parked there. Everyone's talking loudly, P'New is next to me.

"Thanks for coming Yo."

"They all wanted to meet you, I should have come alone but your doomed now. I officially introduced you to them, be prepared to be jumped whenever they see you."

P'New just smiles.

"Stop worrying Yo, I'm ok."

"You didn't look ok before. I know I haven't known you for long and I don't want to pry but I think you should talk to your coach. He seems worried about you."

"He was my swim coach before he moved here. He still thinks of me as that 12 year old his daughter used to tutor before she got married. He knows half of it, just not what I told you."

"You're not alone p. Stop thinking you are."

My phone buzzed, I took it out and looked at the message. Shit. 5 missed calls and 9 message from P'Pha, but I didn't hear it. I quickly read the messages.

"Yes he is. Oh we came to see P'New swim. Where? Were...yes that's the place. Ok we'll make sure to stay with him till you get here P'Pha."

Wait what? I look up and chickens grinning at me. Oh shit he's coming here.

"E'yo did you not answer your boyfriends calls? tut tut."

"Now he's all possessive and coming to get you."

"We have orders not to leave you alone and wait till he gets here. And we are good friends and will do as you boyfriends ask."

"You bastards. aren't you my friends first?"

"Yes but we would do anything for our P'Pha."

"Screw you all he's mine."

"Bitch Yo, always so possessive."

Were still standing there arguing, the swim teams listening attentively and P'New's amused.

P'Pha's car stops near us; I move to stand next to the coach who's actually chuckling at me.

"How the hell did he get here so fast?" I ask.

"He was already near here, I just gave him the exact location."

Then P'Pha gets out and the swim teams jaws drop. He's still in his uniform but no tie, and his two top shirt buttons are open. Yes people, even someone not into guys would fall for my P'Pha.

He comes straight to me, glares at P'New, who's got his hands up in 'I surrender', then greats the coach. My gangs all over him and he's charming them like normal with smiles.

"Thanks for letting me know where Yo was."

"Anything for you P'Pha."

"Call us any time."

"I'll treat you guys to lunch."

There all melting right there looking at him. I go over and get them away from him. There glaring at me and mouthing 'possessive' at me. I don't care.

"I'll take Yo with me. You all ok getting back?"

They all say yes smiling back at him. He wai to the coach again and wave to the rest.

He moves and opens the door for me, I get in. I can hear the oohing behind me, I'm sure my face is red. I look at P'New he waves at me.

"P'Pha don't be mad." I break the silence. He hasn't said anything since we set off

"I was worried Yo, you didn't answer my text or your phone. And why did you have to come see him swim?"

"My angels wanted to see him, and he seemed down I wanted to cheer him up."

"Don't hang around him Yo!"

"But P'Pha he's my friend. Having a one sided love is hard, and he doesn't have many people to talk to. Id be like that if I didn't have Ming." I say quietly.

"Yo..." He sighs.

"Im sorry."

"New rule, you have to text back within 10 mins maximum."


"I mean it Yo."


"I still need to finish tutoring my friends, come sit with me till I'm done."

He left them to come find me? Now I feel really bad.

He's about to open the door I touch his arm; he turns to look at me. I take a deep breath and kiss him.

"Don't be mad ok? Ill check my phone more."

He's ecstatic and my ears are burning. I think that's the first time I initiated a kiss.

It looks like the group studying is going to be a while, I'm reading my lecture notes when P'Beam comes and sits next to me.

"Yo good thing I found you here. I need a favour."

The way he's looking at me I'm scared, I decide to run but he catches my arm and makes me sit again.

"I have this party I need to go to, but I don't have a date."

"I refuse!"

He takes out his phone and shows me the picture of me in a dress.

P'Beam!! I hope you get a paper cut!

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