Chapter 6 - I remember

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It's been almost two years since Jay and I been together. Ever holiday my brother made it his job to come and visit us. Our lives were good. Every so often I would feel like I have can't be cure and Jay never once ran away. He stayed by my side. He helps me through them. Jay made a band called Hollow. They are the biggest thing on campus now. They just recently got signed and would be touring during summer vacation. He got me a contract as their personal chef so we can be together. We all had it plan out.

"Penelope Witmen!" I heard my name called by the headmaster. As I collected my certificate I could see JJ, Demetri and Lynn all smiling radiantly at me. I felt proud and happy; I made it Mom and Dad. I felt tears coming down my face but I kept them back because I did not want to worry anyone. Later that evening we had dinner. My brother announced that he got his first internship as a dentist. He was specialising in child dentinal care. He was always good with children I thought to myself. I did not have a single worry that night, the next morning however was not the same.

We had to go to Dandelion, my home town, a place I wish I never had to see again. JJ parents 25th anniversary of marriage. That was only a dream I wish my parents could reach. As we passed the graveyard were they both laid happily, I looked to see if I could see their tomb stones. Jay realised what I was crying and he hugged me and said, "We visit them tomorrow if you want," in his a soft voice.

I shook my head up and down in agreeance with those words, all I could think of was thank you god for giving me JJ, I don't know if my life would be the same without him. Life is a blessing when you are not alone.

The evening went well, Mr. and Mrs. Jones love never died even through suffering they were still close. They even gave thanks to me the girl the call the "Angel sent from God" that brought to them their son Jay Finch Jones. JJ smiled and lifted me up into his arms like a newly-wed man did to his wife. I felt safe and secured. I felt loved. Jay parents allowed us all, Demetri, Lynn, Jay and I, to stay in their extra rooms. They only had two so JJ and I cohabitated in one room while Lynn and Demetri in the other. I felt human again, no jealousy, no worries, no confusion.

I knew who I wanted to be with and it was Jay. I was the first to awake the next morning. I decide to take a trip around town. I left a note for Jay on his phone. I wore my track pants and his university jacket since it felt better. Everything was the same, the town, the bridge were I found Jay that day I brought him all my hide away candy, the school I once attended, not a thing had change but me. I had changed; this place is where I fell in love with my brother, who I was no longer my love interest. This town is the place I left behind when my mother died. This was the town I had not visit in 5 years. I left things, people and dreams behind here.

I was occupied in my thoughts that my feet wonder off in own path. I arrived at the gate of the place of death, Dandelion Cemetery. This place, why did my thoughts take me here? I felt conflicted could I enter or would I just run away like I did many year ago? My head told me no but my heart had to see them. I wonder awhile before finding where they were buried. Written on my father tomb loving son, father, and husband and solider to his country, he would always be remembered, born 1974-died 2005. Mother tomb wrote loving daughter, wife and mother, she was a star among the darkness, will never be forgotten, born 1977-died 2017. "Never forgotten, always will be remembered, what a lie," I told myself. I never once visited; I was so caught up in my life. My mother visited my every day after his death. She would make us come with her once in a while.

Eventually she herself came next to him, and I did not do the same she did on to my father. I was a failure as a daughter. I broke down in tears.

"I am sorry mama and papa," I sobbed.

I felt arms wrap around me, it whispered, "it's not your fault, you were the best daughter they could ever ask for."

It was JJ; I turned around and cried in his arms.

"I have something I want to show you," he said.

I slowing arose; as we walked away I promised myself that I would visit my parents ever year. "I knew I could not visit every day but I would try my best to visit every year," that is my promise to you mother and father.

We stopped by another pair of grave stones. It was a couple, I knew because they had the same head stone pattern. "Are these your parents?" I questioned.

He shook his head up and down in agreeance; I saw tears start to flow from his eyes.

"How did you find them?" I inquired while wrapping my arms around him.

"When you left town I would come place flowers on your parents' grave, one day my mom told me she had to show me something, this is what she showed me," he told me.

"Are you okay?" I worried.

She shook his head again, "Yeah that was a long time ago, but I wanted to show you, and she told me they were both from here. My mother and father were dating while in high school. My mother's parents disagreed with the relationship so they moved her away. That however did not stop their long term relationship, after graduation they both attended the same university. They both wanted to be doctors. My parents finished and both joined the army. My mother got pregnant out there after they got married on camp. It was beautiful I could imagine. Anyhow when she came back and told my parents who the father was they were disappointed in her and threw her out. She had nowhere to go. Soon after she heard my father had passed away. We came to visit him that day I ended up at your door," he concluded.

I could not help myself but to cry. That was a beautiful story. JJ realised he had made me cried and he engulfed me in his arms again.

"Don't cry they loved each other very much and that's all matter," he spoke reassuring.

"It was a beautiful story, I cried because it seems that every body's parents in thus town had a problem with who they dated," I remarked.

We both laughed.

"Dear Diary,

Today I felt reassured about life. I felt that I was walking this path alone, but I know you never walk life alone no matter how dark he tunnel is. I miss you mom and dad with all my heart but I know that you left me with so much help to guide me. God I once called you a 'deaf man' but I know you heard my prayers. At the time I did not want to take your advice but now I know the importance of it. Diary thank you for always being here for me, and god I thank for giving me JJ, the love of my life.

DATE: July 3rd 2022"

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