"Hell if I know, he doesn't get me anything" Raven replied as she sat texting someone. Her phone beeped and she showed it to Clarke.

Raven: O what does Clarke get for Bellamy for x-mas?

Octavia: Holy shit, that's who she went shopping for!


Octavia: He went on about some Greek Mythology book from Barnes and Nobles by R. Buxton, find it and she'll be in the clear.

Clarke typed thanks in return.

"To Barnes and Noble I guess, what does that mean? find it and I'll be in the clear? like I need his approval" she huffed. Raven pulled into a spot and they both headed in to search for the book. Once they found it she payed for it and they headed out.

"Anything else you need?"

"Nope that's it"

"Good, then I have stuff to do, you are going back home"

"Great" she mumbled.

Raven pulled up to the town house.

"Alright sunshine, get out" She smiled unlocking the doors.

"Thanks Raven, see you tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't miss dinner with you guys for the world" she laughed. Clarke shut the door and headed in the house.

She hung her keys and purse on the wall and made her way into the living room. Bellamy and Octavia must have went out to eat. The house was quiet and the lights were off. She put her bags in her room and hit up the fridge, grabbing a yogurt. She stood leaning against the counter eating the yogurt in silence before filling a glass with water and heading to her room. She wrapped what she picked up and layed on her bed watching christmas movies on netflix. Her phone buzzed on the nightstand.

Octavia: Guess what?! Bellamy is getting stationed in Quantico, in two weeks!

Clarke groaned letting her head hit the bed. She replied on neutral ground.

Clarke: Wow, bet you were surprised.

Octavia: It's going to be great to have him around all the time.

Clarke: I bet!

Octavia And I think Monty invited Finn to dinner...sorry :(

Clarke sighed looking at the phone, Time with Finn may be the only thing worse than time with Bellamy.

Alright so what's next, the town house only has two rooms so she didn't have to worry about Bellamy asking to move in. She felt relieved at that at least.

Clarkes phone buzzed again, she just dropped it on the floor next to the bed, she was not in the mood. She had all the news she could handle. She fell asleep sometime during that episode of Army Wives. When she woke up her tv was on but flashing the 'Are you still watching' screen. She clicked the remote off and pulled the blanket up higher, the clock read 2:30 am. She could hear someone talking and then a shout. She sat still for a moment, Octavia could sleep through a tornado so she had no hopes of her waking up to handle it. The voice caught her attention again. She sighed throwing the blanket back.

She creaked her door open and followed the noise to the living room. Another unsuspecting shout made her jump. She turned to look at Bellamy. Obviously sleeping, dreaming, or having flashbacks. Either way she was concerned. She made her way to the couch shaking him lightly.

"Bellamy, Bellamy wake up. It's a dream, or a nightmare, it's not real, Bellamy" She spoke softly shaking him. When she finally got him awake she was not prepared for what happened next. He grabbed her wrist, shoving her down to the floor.

"Ouch, Bellamy, it's Clarke, Bellamy, it's me Clarke"

He didn't respond just looked at her questioningly.

"You are safe, I've got you Bellamy" Clarke saw the realization cross his features. He pulled away from her like she burned him.

" I uh, I'm sorry" He stammered, almost like he was embarassed.

"Lay down, Go to sleep" Clarke spoke softly, she wasn' t going to let him feel awkward about it.

"I don't do that often" he replied laying back on the couch. She ran her hand threw his hair a few times, leaning against the couch. His other hand came off the couch finding her's. He threaded there fingers together. His breathing evened out at some point after she drifted off in an awkward position.

The same awkward position that woke her up hours later from being sore. She could see the light coming through the window. It was morning, Christmas eve to be exact. She glanced at her watch 5:30am. Her head was leaning against his, there hands still weaved together. She needed to be out of this situation before anyone noticed.

She pulled her hand out of his, stretching before she stood up and slipping quietly into her bedroom.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now