Chapter 24: First Day, First Night

Comenzar desde el principio

Karin and Sasuke stood behind me, looking at my snowman with tilted heads. My snowman, I admit, was a little plump but the idea of using the chocolate wrappers I had in my pocket as eyes was pretty creative. It looked like it had two sparkling eyes of magenta and light blue. The mouth was made up of the spare change in my pocket. I'd have to collect those afterwards.

"Uh...its, um...unique" Sasuke had to bite his lip to prevent himself from bursting with laughter.

I glared at him then turned to Karin, "What do you think, Karin?".

She scratched her head awkwardly, "Well, I'm sure this is one of the most...special snowmen I've ever seen".

I pouted and crossed my arms in front of my chest, "Thanks for the support, you two".

Suddenly, a great ball of snow collided with the back of my head. A fit of uncontrolled laughter followed immediately afterwards.

"Liz!" I cried, spinning around the spot to grab a fistful of my snowman's torso and whip it at her.

Unfortunately, Liz had been fast to react and had ducked behind Gaara. My projectile ended up smearing itself across Gaara's chest.

I gasped, "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Gaara! I was aiming for-".

A second snowball caught me in the face, "Apology accepted" Gaara smirked, shaking the excess snow from his hands.

"Heads up!" someone called but before Gaara could do anything, a snowball smacked into the side of his head, nearly bowling him over, "Dude, you aren't supposed to hit girls" Sasuke sneered at Gaara.

I realized that he had been the one to throw the retaliation snowball. A second later, a snowball splattered across Karin's arm.

"Hey! No one picks on Karin without getting it!" I growled and molded another snowball to hurl at Liz.

I managed to hit her calf, making her trip but Gaara caught her before she could fall face-first into the snow.

"War!" Sasuke howled and there was suddenly rapid-fire snowball throwing.

After getting hit about twenty times, I ducked behind my snowman with Karin to stock up on ammo. Gaara and Liz were hiding behind a bench, also stockpiling.

"Come here, Sasuke!" I called to him and he trotted back to us, shaking snow out of his hair as he did.

"Got a plan, general?" he joked.

"Actually, I do" I said proudly, "We're going to raid enemy territory" I explained the rest of my plans to them as I made snowballs furiously.

"Okay? Let's take 'em out, fellas!" I hollered.

Karin and I began rapid fire as Sasuke charged forward and tackled Gaara into the snow. There, the two of them wrestled to and fro but I caught Liz trying to help so I took my cue.

"Rah!" I released my epic war cry and launched myself on Liz.

She disappeared beneath me, struggling under my strength. Karin came trotting over, holding a snowball in each hand.

"Surrender...or you're gonna get one to the face" she threatened.

Gaara and Liz both stopped squirming as a sign of giving up but Liz let her pout marinate on her face.

"You guys won but it was three on two...just saying" she grumbled.

I smirked, "So what? We won" I said smugly.

Gaara sneezed just then...right in Sasuke's face.

"Oh god, man! Gross!" Sasuke complained, getting up off of Gaara and wiping his face.

Gaara sniffled, "Sorry, but I think we should grab some hot chocolate down by the chocolate factory".

Everyone agreed and shook the snow from ourselves before setting off towards the chocolate factory, teeth chattering like a bunch of wind-up toys.

We all sat up in Sasuke's room, looking out the window, wrapped in two blankets each and sipping a piping hot cup of hot chocolate.

"That was a pretty fun first day, wasn't it, guys?" Liz said, sniffling.

Everyone bobbed their heads quietly, enjoying the hot chocolate mustaches on our upper lips.

"What time is it?" Karin asked as she yawned for the hundredth time.

Liz reached for her cell phone sitting on the window sill, "Eleven forty-five" she informed.

I stretched my arms and dropped my blankets, "I dunno about you guys but I think its time to get some sleep".

Liz nodded, "Yeah, or we won't be able to get up early tomorrow".

I grabbed the heap of blankets that I had dropped and made my way towards the door but not before ramming myself into the chest of drawers in Sasuke's room.

"Ow..." I grumbled.

"You okay, Elvira?" multiple voices of concern called out.

I winced and nodded, "Yeah, I"m good. Hope I didn't break anything though" I said as I stumbled out into the hallway.

"Night, Sasuke!" the four of us called as we left his room.

He waved in acknowledgment and closed the door. I had to suppress a smile, my pride couldn't help it. I fumbled with my own key to open the door to my room. Finally, I heard the telltale click of the lock sliding out of place and clumsily made my way into my room. I threw my blankets back on my bed and plopped down on them, screaming into the fabric. I got up and couldn't help but giggle as I removed a hotel key from my other pocket. It was the key to getting back my key. I had staged the stumble in Sasuke's room and swiped his room key. I felt incredibly, ingeniously evil, and boy, did it feel good. I was going to get my key back and there wouldn't be anything I wouldn't do to make that happen.

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