It's All Fun and Games Til Someone Gets Hurt

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Hannah had spent at least two hours at the park, her pans, her sorrows, gone.

Chris smiled at the girl, she was strangely pretty, he was never one to believe in love at first sight but there was something drawing him to her. He couldn't put a finger on it.

Hannah chuckled as she attempted a pop shuvit (I think that's how u spell it, I'm not entirely sure) only to fall on her back. Chris ran to her side, a swift hand grabbing her to hoist her onto her feet.

“Are you okay? That was a nasty fall back there." He asked concerned.
“I'm fine, I've taken worse." She smiled before walking forward to the park's exit. Chris followed, “Where are you going?"

Hannah sighed quietly, “I, ugh, gotta get home, I guess."
“You don't seem too happy."
“It's fine."

Chris pulled a phone out, “Can I get your digits cuz I, kinda lost mine."

Hannah grinned, “On my because I'm a sucker for cheesy pick up lines." She replied, taking his phone to put in her number.

He smiled, “Well did it hurt when you, ugh, fell from Heaven?"
“I am not satan.... only when I'm crabby at the least."
He chuckled, “So I'll see you around then, right?" He asked anxiously.

Hannah nodded, “Text me later tonight. I gotta go." She said, scampering away quickly to call Dennis. The only home she had, for now."


Once the heavily built man had picked her up, he looked at her, noticing the dirt, “You're free to take a shower, Hannah."

She smiled, “Thanks."
As she walked away, Dennis stopped her, “I. I know your parents had an accident and I'm sorry for you losing them." He said before pulling her I'm for a hug. She was taken aback by this action, he never seemed to show affection. She was speechless, but excepted the warm hug.

Dennis took a deep breath, taking in her sweet scent. His eyes closed as before letting the smaller creature go. He gave a small smile. Something about her, it drove him crazy. She was different. Different from them. And he loved her. Every single thing about her.

Once Hannah had let go from the hug she sighed, “I'm glad that you took me in... it was... fate, I guess..." She said quietly, her eyes drifting away from him as she began to tear up.

Dennis growled, “Do not cry. I've told you before. The world is not worthy of this much energy, my dear. Remember, you are special. A rare creature with a heart as large as the moon and as pure as the stars that shine."

Hannah nodded, she was still quiet, what could she say? Nothing. Nothing at all. She sighed as she walked away to her room to shower. As she did, she stripped down, leaving her clothing on the floor, her phone in her pocket.

She turned the water on, her bedroom door open. She sighed, getting into the shower to wash her dirty body.

Dennis decided on laundering her clothes like he had usually done. He picked up her clothes, article by article. He stopped when he felt something vibrate in her pants. He searched its pockets, finding her phone. He turned it on only to reveal a text message from a strange number.

Chris: “Hey Hannah, it's Chris. Did u get home safe?"

Dennis growled, he'd wait for her to get out.


Once Hannah walked out if the shower, she found her undergarments and pajamas laid out, she smiled, drying her hair with the towel Dennis had left for her.

She walked into the kitchen, Dennis sat on a chair with her phone in his large hands. She gulped, hoping Chris had not messaged her.

“Who is this Chris, guy?" He asked sternly.
“A friend I met near the station."
“Really? A friend. Does he hit on you?"
Hannah sighed, “He doesn't, he's a nice guy."
“I'm taking care of you and I want you safe!" Dennis yelled again, “Is he flirtatious with you?"
“Dennis, I swear, he is not."
“I will not have you heartbroken again, understand me? If he flirts, touches, or does anything to you, he is dead. I will find him and kill him."

And with those worlds, Hannah would fall asleep uneasy and worried of her situations.

Author's note:

Hey peeps, I am sorry for not updating at all these few months but school has recently started so I will be more organized and will update more frequently. I also want to thank you all for over 1K reads, it means the world to have fans of my literature. I plan on writing my own fiction, nothing of fanfiction. Thanks peeps.
                Ps. Sorry about this short chapter, it wasn't supposed to be like a little filler chapter but I'm having a no good writer's block....

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