I Have No One Now...

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Thanks for being patient guys :3)

Hannah was now in the police vehicle, her cheeks were stained with tears while her clothes with blood. She wanted to continue to cry her eyes out, but what would that do for her? Not a damn thing.

Her dark brown hair fell in front of her eyes, she had not bothered to push the streak behind her ear while she sat in the driving vehicle, she looked at the cop who drove beside her as she stayed still in the passenger's seat.

He looked over her with his icy blue eyes, he gave a small and friendly smile, “Do you listen to Pierce The Veil?" He asked.

The sad girl looked over at him, she returned his genuine smile with a fake one, “They're my favorite." He smiled, continuing to drive, “I have their CD I'm the glove compartment.. My sound system is awesome, can you grab it, put it in, turn the volume as loud as it goes... I'll turn the sirens on so we won't get in trouble for it. Sound good?" He asked.

Without a reply, she opened up the large compartment, digging through it. She had accidentally grabbed a gun, it was certainly not her first time with the heavy weapon, but it still surprised her. She found the CD, pulling it out if its case and into the CD player.

The first song; Dive In, had begun, she turned its volume high and began to hum along while the officer sang aloud.

Once it had ended, he turned it down, “I'm officer McKenzie. You can call me Evan."

She gave a small smile, “Hannah." She said as she looked into his blue eyes. He smiled back, “I feel terrible for meeting a wonderful young lady like this. I'm sorry about your losses." He said, looking away.

She looked down, “It's.. fine."

And with that, an awkward silence would be set once again until they reached the police station.


After they had interviewed her, they explained that they had removed her from their list of possible suspects. They would call her if and when they would need her. She gave them her number, allowing them access to contact her.

Once she had stepped out of the station, she padded towards a small family owned gas station. Grabbing a Monster energy drink and a protein bar.

She felt as if she had no where to go before realizing that Dennis wanted her back. She shrugged it off, going to her favorite place: the skate park.

She smiled, hearing the wheels against the concrete, it was like music to her ears. She sat down on the floor, opening the small bar from its wrapper as she sipped continuously from the can.

She watched the people, well, there were only men and younger boys there. She had never liked the fact that there were so few women in skateboarding. It was her passion, one of the few ways she could ever bond with her father.

She watched in silence, observing how they performed tricks, when they fell, got up, and tried again. 

Many never seemed to show frustration, she admired that. There never was a time where she could not get angry when she failed. She had loved David Gravette simply because she could relate to the pro. He always became angered when he failed. She did the same.

She jumped up as she felt someone tap her shoulder, she looked up, seeing a handsome young man about her age. He smiled, skateboard in hand, “Hey, what are you up to sitting here alone?" He asked as he laid his board next to her, sitting on it.

Hannah gave a small shrug, “I'm just here enjoying watching the skaters,I guess." She said quickly and calmly.
“Do you skate? I'm Chris-Chris Evans, by the way." He smiled, extending a dirty hand to her, she shook it, her ocd screamed for her to reject it but she could not be rude to him. She wasn't that big of a bitch.

“Hannah. And yes, I love to skate." She said. He chuckled, “That's awesome. Where's your board, Luna."

She looked at him, “Luna?" He smiled, “You've gotta moon tatted on your ankle. That's your new nickname, Luna." He said, gesturing towards the small crescent shaped moon.
She gave a small smirk, “Yea."

He grinned, “My buddies call me The Muscle..."
She smiled, “I don't know what is about skaters and nicknames."
“Yea, we do it a lot. So. Are you gonna show me what you can do on a board, or are just gonna sit here lookin pretty all day?" He asked with a devilish grin.
She chuckled, “Pass me your board then, Muscle."

He stood up, offering her a hand before giving her his board. Thus creating a forbidden friendship, or at least, that was how Dennis would see it. 'God, let's hope he won't find out,' She thought as she stood on the board.

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