Abducted, Dazed, and Confused

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Dennis had found solace in an abandoned mental hospital.

Los Angeles was beautiful but he had no time to see it's beauty. Or its filth.

Hannah was awoken to the whispers of Stephanie and Tiffany. She groaned, a headache haunted her.

Stephanie looked up, “Hannah, what happened, why are you here? When did you get here?" She was sweating nervously, her mascara stained her pasty cheeks. She had been crying for hours.

Hannah sighed, “Can you just calm down, please?"
Tiffany laughed, “God, why are you so fucking weird? We have to get the fuck out of here!"
“We have to escape. That guy is weird as fuck. He's so..."

Hannah rubbed her eyes, then pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, “I'm just saying that being calm is important, asshole. So shut up, You divas."

Stephanie growled, “Be calm?! Says the one who listens to Satan's music and cuts!" She yelled.

Their arguments were clearly audible on the other side of the door, Dennis listened in sadness. Feeling sympathy for the girl.

Hanna laughed, “Wanna know why I got stuck here?! Do you really want to know?" She paused smiling, “I tried to save you both! Despite how you and your shitty friends and boyfriends always treat me, I tried to save you, assholes! So thanks, I'm stuck here 'cuz of you whores!" Hannah stood up now, very angry with them both.

Dennis rubbed the back of his head, he let out a growl and stood up, unlocking the door and opening it. He looked at the three girls, his face angry.

Stephanie and Tiffany got closer to one another, almost on top of each other as they hugged. Hanna looked at the two girls then at the man. Dennis looked at the two crying girls, then at Hannah. He watched her, clenching her sweater sleeves.

Hannah was nervous but she didn't show it. She tried not to as he continued to watch her. Dennis took a deep breath, “I choose you. Come with me." He said as he pointed at Hannah. Stephanie stopped crying, she felt no pity for her.

Hannah's heart raced against her chest, she stood almost frozen in time.

Dennis showed no anger, as he usually did. He watched her. Gesturing for her to follow.

She stood up, nervousness and fear overtaking her whole. She inhaled deeply, she found the strength it stay standing tall, somehow.

Dennis watched as she neared him, he turned his back and she followed after the statue of a man. Once she was behind him, he quickly slammed the door behind them.

He watched her with a strong glare, his stare was not as cold as it usually was. He felt strange around this one, she was not like the others he had captured, she was special, and he knew.

She watched, she was still scared, he sat down on a folding chair, he gestured for her to sit on the chair across from him. She followed his orders as quiet as a mouse.

He inhaled deeply, his eyes still fixated on her, after a few minutes of silence he broke the cold ice if silence, “So you do not like those two girls and still wanted to help them?"

Hannah's hair fell into her face, she did not brush it out of the way, “No. I... don't."
“Then why? They hate you more than you hate them. And you think you can help them. Now here you are."
She nodded, if his words could kill she would long have been dead. She managed to smile, “I know... it's a curse actually... this... heart on my sleeve."

He bit his lip, nodding, “They do not deserve it. Your kindness."
She sighed deeply, tears swelling up in her eyes, “I-I..."

He felt terrible, sympathy consuming him, “I.. I'm sorry. I am."

Hannah's hair was still in her face, she did not want him to see her cry. She grunted as she cried.  He heard her and he stood up, kneeling towards her, “Do not cry. They don't deserve it. Not them. They are impure."

She looked up, he gently brushed the hair out of her face, she gulped, she was no longer scared. No. She was confused.

She took a deep breath, still nervous. He stood up quickly, she looked up at him.

“I'm trying to not... ughhhhh..." He groaned.
She was still rather nervous, not saying a word and stayed still instead.
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, it's... in the oven. I'll show you to your new room right now."

Hannah was very confused now, he looked down at her, sensing her many questions, “They are not pure. They do not deserve your presence. You will still stay here with me, but you will get many special privileges. Many. I'll show you over, you can change into some new cleaner clothes and then come and eat. I'll talk to Patricia so don't fret. Come."

She stood up, following him. He was not as cold as everyone had said he was. He was kind.


“Here is your room, there are clothes on the bed."

She faced the bed, seeing her new shirts, neatly folded, along with a pair of sweatpants. Also neatly folded. He left the door open. She bolted towards the door, running as fast as she could to escape.

The hospital felt like a maze she could not escape and she soon became tired.

'PE would have came in handy right about now... Damn it!' She thought as she began to slow down, now jogging as she panted.

“Get back here!" She heard Dennis yell. She stopped once she hit a dead end. She had failed like everything else in life. She failed. Again.

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