Lost and Found

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Dennis looked at Hannah who was panting. He could feel her nerves that were off the walls.

“Please... never do that again. Come." He said as he neared her, gently grabbing her arm.
She gulped, following him, she was too tired to fight him.

He lead her to her room, he inhaled, “Please change. Dinner is done. I'll be back in 10 minutes to get you. I'm locking the door." He said as he shut the door, locking it.

She shook her head, she wanted to pull her hair out. Wanting to cry, she grabbed the clothes. Changing immediately and angrily.

The door opened, Dennis was not Dennis but another one of his personalities.

“Hello dear, as I understand you tried to escape but Dennis refuses that you stay with the other two. You are not punished. Come, let us eat." Patricia smiled sweetly as she led the way.

Hannah followed.

She was led into a small room that was, she assumed, the kitchen. A stove was near the wall while a dining table sat in the middle of the room, two chairs placed near the gorgeous table.

Patricia sat the plate down, roasted chicken with steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. She smiled sweetly at Hannah, pulling a chair out for her. Hannah sat down, she smiled shyly. Patricia copied Hannah's actions, sitting a cross from her.

“Dennis says that you are special, how so?" She said in her thick accent. “I-I don't know..."

“I am Patricia by the way, pleasure to meet you, dear," she said before taking a small and petite bite.
Hannah nodded, “Same here... I'm... Hannah..."
She took a bite, the food was delicious and she enjoyed the flavors. She was still nervous, Patricia could sense it, “So, dear. I've heard that others take your kindness for weakness. Why?"
“Why what? Why do I care so much?"
Patricia nodded.
“I... I don't know. I just do. It's how I was raised, I guess. To be considerate."

Patricia nearly choked on her food while she let out a soft chuckle, “Be considerate to those who truly deserve it."
Hannah nodded, she stopped eating and gulped. Sadness overtaking her once again.
“Don't cry, dear. Learn. We all make mistakes. It's alright. Just learn and grow stronger."

Hannah smiled and looked at her plate, “Thank you, Patricia... I'm... not very hungry anymore. May I be excused?"

She nodded, “Sleep tight because I may not be in the light later on."
Hannah padded away towards her new separate room, “Good night."

As Hannah laid down, the door shut but not locked. She no longer wanted to escape. She was saved, here in this asylum. She escaped the Hells that were her home all along. Her parents with never ending wars. With school to stress her put near suicide. She finally got away. In some sick and twisted way, she was saved.

A few minutes later her door opened, it was neither Dennis nor the kind woman named Patricia. He dressed child like.

“Hi. I'm Hedwig. You're pretty."
“Hello... I'm Hannah...." She sad awkwardly.

Hedwig giggled, “I shouldn't say it!"
“Say what?"

Hannah frowned, “Please?"
“That you're pretty! Mr. Dennis likes you. Or, I think he does."

Hannah squinted as she watched him, “What makes you think that?"
He giggled and came closer to her, leaning in for a whisper, “Well... Mr. Dennis acts so nice around you. And, and, his attitude isn't as bad as it is, etcetera. And he really enjoys the light, well, he always wants it but he actually wants ta negotiate for it, etcetera."

Hannah looked at him. He smiled, “He says your special."

“Why?" She asked curiously.
“How the heck should I know?" He asked.
“He just says you are and that no one can touch you or hurt you, etcetera." He smiled, “So. He likes ya."

Hannah watched him, he was so innocent. Her mother had always said, the are two types of people that will always tell the truth: drunkards and young children.

She nodded, “Well... that's... Good I guess."
“Yea. Wanna see my room? I gots toys and a radio. Do ya like music? I do. Or animals? I have stuffed ones, etcetera."

Hannah smiled and stood up, “I love music and animals."
“Let's goo then! C'mon!"

He stood up quickly, running out out if the room and down the hall. Hannah followed behind him at her own pace. He was a jittery child. Kid? Personality? She was unsure of what she would consider him. She stopped once he entered a room, it was just like that if abusing child. He was considered a child, So it kind of fit.

He carried a radio, “This is mine. It's not new but it's cool, etcetera." She smiled, “It's cool. What music do you have?"
“Just some old Kanye West stuff, etcetera. He's my main man."

She smiled, “I like his music. And rock. That's my favorite."
He laughed, “ Ms. Patricia doesn't like that, she says it's noisy, etcetera. I never listened to it."
Hannah smiled, “Well... we'll listen to it soon. It's the best."

Hedwig smiled, he grabbed a plush toy, a tiger. Hannah watched him as he threw himself on his small bed. He hugged his toy, “Wanna lay next to me? I never have sleepovers...." He mumbled as his eyes shined.
Hannah nodded, “Sure... I'll... sleep on the floor."
He frowned, “Well. Here's a cover and a pillow. Will you be comfortable, etcetera?"
“I've slept on metro station stops. This is way more comfortable."

Hedwig sighed, “Are ya sure? My bed is your bed."
She nodded, laying the cover down, it was thick. She sat down on it, putting her pillow on it as she laid herself down. Hedwig stood Ile, grabbing another blanket to cover her with it before turning the lights off. He laid back down, beginning to snore as he fell asleep.

Hannah laid on her back, staring at the darkness. She was tired and confused if her emotions. She was no longer afraid of the stranger. She felt welcomed and wanted with him. She felt safe. But why? She was away from home, her “friends." She had none. They were all fake. She felt comfortable here. She wanted to go back, to let them a know that she was safe. She would. Later. Right now she would enjoy the company of a child. A child trapped in a thirty year old man.

Author's note:

Sorry that I updated this chapter late and not on schedule which is going to kill me... lol.... I hope you enjoy this chapter because I kinda put a lot into this one for some odd reason... thank you to everyone who actually takes the time to read my notes but more importantly to those who read this fanfiction. It means a lot when I see the reads for this story or when someone adds it to a reading list... stupid I know... but thanks to those who read. Have a great day you guys!! <3

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