They're All Gone Now pt.2

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Dennis led Hannah to his car, the one he had kidnapped them all in. Memories struck Hannah like gum on a shoe, she sighed, sitting in the passenger seat of the sedan. Dennis took the wheel, starting the ignition. She gave quick directions as Dennis followed. The windows were closed this hot summer day as the air conditioner blew in their faces.

Dennis continued to drive, his nose picking up a sweet scents. He grinned, realizing it was her scent. She always smelled wonderful to him. Maybe that was what had attracted him in the first place.

Hannah pointed to a street, “Can you turn left? It's on the next block." She said quietly, he obeyed, already looking for a place to park. Sirens blared. Police were around her childhood home. Hannah gasped, mumbling curses to herself. She opened the door, running towards her home.

Tears fell over her rosy cheeks, “What happened?!" She yelled as she neared the scene, police scrambling in and out of the home.

A tall and attractive man with slicked back black hair and tattooed arms neared the frantic girl, he sighed, “Are you Hannah...? The couple's daughter?" He asked.
She nodded, wanting to scream, “Y-yea... what... why... what happened?"
He combed his jet black hair back with his fingers, “Neighbors found the two... dead... I'm sorry, dear..."

Grief. That was all she felt. No. Anger haunted her. She ran towards the front door, pushing past police to the scene of the crime. Men and women in blue tried to stop her but they failed. There they were. Both of them.

She fell to her knees, tears staining her cheeks as her eyes swelled up. Her parents both bloody, she grabbed her mother's corpse before the cop from earlier had grabbed her. Her hands were already stained and so we're her clothes. There went her new Chelsea Grin shirt.

Pulling her to her feet, he grabbed her, trying to be gentle with the heartbroken girl. She tried to stop him; to break free from his strong grip. She couldn't. “Let me go, asshole!" She yelled as she struggled away from him, “Hannah stop! Just come with me or I'll handcuff you!" He responded, trying to stay calm. She continued to cry as he escorted her away from the home, into his police vehicle. He opened the door, she sat down quietly. He kneeled in front of her, “I'm sorry, Hannah. We'll find whatever fucker did this. I promise." He said as she looked away, her eyes still watery. He picked her chin up with his fingers, “I promise...."

She nodded, moving away from him, “Okay..." She whispered.
“Do you have a place to stay in the meantime?" He asked. She nodded, “Yea... with a friend.."
“We'll take you to the station, wash up, then you can leave. We're gonna ask for your phone number. Maybe to ask you some questions, okay?"

She nodded, sighing, “Of course... anything to help them..."

Author's note:

Sorry that it's suuuuper short but I did this because it is kinda a continuation chapter, I will update tomorrow or as soon as I can. Not being on my oh one for a few days has helped me clear my head and I really love if it. I am starting a new WWE fanfic, will be the first of many.... lol... please check it out as soon as I publish it. Or not. I won't forget about this fic though because it is my first fanfiction that has gotten so many reads and you guys seem to like it.... love u guys

Instagram: @josett_is_hannah

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