Chapter Twenty Seven

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“It's just a day's difference.” Amanda reassured, a small smile on her face. “I'm sure you can survive one more day in Paris, Bernard.”

“I cannot believe they did that!” Bernard groaned, frustrated. “Are they even allowed to do that? They can't just move my collection to an entirely different day!”

“Yes, they can and I'd like to sit here and offer more pep talk but you have to go, the show will begin shortly.”

Bernard frowned. It wasn't just the movement of the showcase of his own collection that frustrated him, it was his life in general. He hated to think that everything he shared with Jeanie in the past month, had been a lie.

Bernard hadn't seen Jeanie in five days but that didn't even matter. Not seeing Jeanie didn't take her off of his mind, even for a second. She was all he could think about. Gabrielle would also prove to be a constant reminder of what he shared with Jeanie and while he tried severally to explain to Gabrielle that his relationship with Jeanie was over, Gabrielle wasn't about to give up on the issue and Bernard couldn't help but regret his decision to bring her to Paris. But, what choice did he have? Gabrielle was a model in the show and he couldn't just replace her in the last minute.

He glanced out of the window and heaved a tired breath at the sight of the paparazzi outside. He had been locked in his hotel room since he got to Paris in a failed attempt to get away from them. The thought of having to face them and the embarrassing questions he knew they were bound to ask about his relationship with Jeanie, made him nauseous. 

“You'll be fine.” Amanda said, seeing the look of uncertainty on his face.

“I don't see why I'm required to attend, especially because it's not my collection being showcased today and remind me again why you're not coming?” He eyed her suspiciously.

Amanda shrugged. “It's good for your image and, I'm busy.”

He nodded once and pushed the door wide open. The second his feet touched the ground, he was bombarded with flashing lights and questions he didn't bother to respond to.

Once he was inside the building, he placed himself gingerly on his front row seat and focused his gaze on the runway, dreading the start of the show, yet looking forward to it so he could get through it and retire to the safety and confines of his hotel room, away from the prying eyes of reporters.

The lights went off, leaving the room slightly dark but for the lights of the runway itself. When the music came on, Bernard immediately knew the show had begun. Leaning back, he focused his attention on the runway as the first model came out.

Bernard wasn't exactly interested in the collection being displayed but he knew he had to at least look interested especially because most of the reporters in the room still had their eyes on him.

Plastering a smile on his face, his eyes followed the models even if his mind wasn't even in the room. On the contrary, his mind was somewhere in New York where Jeanie was most likely doing something silly. He didn't know why, but he knew she'd be up to something; Jeanie was always up to something. It ranged from her crazy ideas which gave birth to his entire collection...

He paused for a second, realizing he wouldn't even be here, in this room if it weren't for Jeanie. Perhaps she meant to break his heart but she ended up fixing his entire career. And, he loved her. It was an annoying truth but the truth nonetheless; it was a truth he couldn't...


Somewhere in the distance of his mind, he heard his name and he knew he had to have been imagining the entire thing.

“Is Bernard in this room?”

Oh God, he wasn't imagining it! He immediately lifted his gaze and true enough, to his utter horror, Jeanie stood in the center of the runway, her eyes scanning the crowd.

Bernard sat shocked for a second. What on earth?!

“I'd just like to say a few words to Bernard...”

Rising to his feet simply because he needed to get Jeanie off the runway for the fact that she was ruining the entire show, he immediately climbed onto the podium.

Jeanie turned to him. “Oh, there you are!” She called, as if oblivious to the fact that there was a room full of confused and horrified adults gawking at her.

He covered the distance that stood between them, conscious of the fact that the entire show had come to a halt.

“Jeanie, what in heaven are you doing here?” He gritted his teeth.

“I'm here to apologize.” She said, her jaw set.

“Okay,” He laughed awkwardly, trying not to focus on the fact that the cameras were on them or security was most likely on their way. “We'll discuss this in New York.”

Jeanie shook her head. “I didn't come this far to 'discuss this in New York.' I came to say...” She sighed. “I had an entire speech planned,” She leaned close to him and whispered, “But I kinda forgot so, I'm just going to wing it here.”

Bernard opened his mouth to protest but Jeanie turned from him and faced the room.

“Four months ago, I met Bernard. It was an unceremonious meeting considering the fact that he walked me out of his office and denied me a job opportunity.” Jeanie laughed nervously. “The truth is, like most of you seated here who obviously hate Bernard's guts, I did too. I was once seated in your position... Of course not in your position like an actual fashion show. I've never been to a fashion show...”

A loud sigh escaped Bernard's lips as he closed his eyes briefly.

“But somehow, fate brought us together again and Aliens must be real, because I fell in love with him. I'm still in love with you, Bernard and my pact with Stacey wasn't even real! I mean, sure I made a pact but I swear to you, I never even kept to my own end of the bargain.” Bernard opened his eyes to find her staring at him. “I never got to chance to hurt someone as much as I've been hurt and honestly, I only made that pact, five years ago I might add, because I was so angry! I was angry at the world at large and I made a stupid pact! Sue me! But now, I'm standing before these strangers, making a complete fool of myself, because I need for you to know that I love you, for real. And, I can assure you, Stacey and I are done with the pact, I promise.”

Bernard took a step towards her. “Do you realize you're ruining someone's fashion show?”

She nodded. “I realized that a few minutes ago back stage after Amanda snuck me in. By the way, tough getting through security! Anyway, Amanda did warm that I might get kicked out of here or arrested but I figured I can't possibly get arrested especially because I'm a foreigner and we have some kind of immunity in other countries...”

Bernard laughed, surprising himself. He didn't know why, but the thought of being stuck with Jeanie and her list of crazy, thrilled him beyond words.

Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace. “Jeanie,” He grinned. “I hate to break it to you, but you can get kicked out of here...” He leaned down and kissed her. “And arrested...” He whispered against her lips. “And deported.”

“Now that you put it that way...” She frowned. “We should get out of here.”

“We should.” He said, tightening his hold around her and capturing her lips once more.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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