Chapter Twenty Four

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His eyes scanned her face as she laid unmoving on the bed. Her eyelids stood close and her lips were parted slightly, releasing the soft sound of her breathing. Bernard knew it wasn't the time to admit it, yet, he couldn't help but think how beautiful Jeanie was. She was beautiful in so many ways; her smile, her laughter, her eyes, her lips, her physique, her attitude, her kisses...

She was perfect. 

How could she be so perfect, yet so flawed? How could she make him feel love again, as well as hatred and anger? How could she be the source of his joy and the reason for his pain? Why did Jeanie turn out to be a lie?!

Her betrayal hurt him much more than he was even willing to admit. Knowing that everything they shared, every feeling she claimed to have for him, was all a lie did more than break his heart, it filled him with the desire to break hers as well.

“Good bye, Jeanie.” He whispered.

This was the end, this was the day he got back at Jeanie and Stacey for their cruelty. 

Straightening, he turned from her and made his way out of the room, down the stairs and exited the building.

He got into the car and sat silently as through the ride to work. He didn't want to think of Jeanie or the fact that he was never going to see her again.

The car came to a halt and he immediately climbed out. Making his way to his office, he settled behind his desk and pulled his drawer open in search of his designs. As he searched, his eyes brushed a very familiar piece of paper. For a second, he thought of ignoring it but there was something about it that drew him in until he was pulling it out and holding it before him.

Stacey's wedding dress.

A bitter smile settled on his face as his gaze ran over the design.

It had taken weeks to bring the design to perfection and when he finally got it right, it took a longer period to get the fabric and every stone needed to bring the design to life.

But it had been well worth it, he had thought at the time. It had been worth the stress until he was abandoned on the eve of his wedding.

His fingers automatically tightened it's hold on the design, nearly ripping it apart.


He lifted his gaze to find Amanda making her way into the office.

“You said it was urgent, and considering the fact that you're seated in an empty office building so early in the morning, I'm guessing it's beyond urgent.” She settled on the chair opposite him. “So, spill, what's wrong.”

For a brief second, Bernard forgot the fact that he called Amanda the night before, after dropping the models in the airport, asking her to meet him in his office at 6:00am the next morning.

“I need you to call the press.” He finally answered, his eyes resting briefly on the design in his hands.

“You have never been a fan of the press. In your words, they are blood sucking demons who feast on gossip. Bernard,” She leaned forward, her elbows resting on his desk. “Why exactly are we in need of demons today?”

“Right now,” He said, rising to his feet and ignoring her question. “I want every press in New York City, in my office in the next hour. Make it happen.”


A soft yawn escaped her lips as she reluctantly allowed herself to be pulled out of her sleep induced coma.

Jeanie didn't exactly like waking up in the morning... No, she shook her head, closing her eyes briefly. She hated waking up in the morning! Other than the fact that she always manages to look like an accident victim, with her swollen eyelids, spiky hair and extremely tired body, she was such a lazy morning person.

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