Chapter Seven

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Turning sharply to the sound of her name, Jeanie pulled her eyelids shut in frustration and fear as she saw Amanda making her way to where she stood on the sidewalk. She muttered a silent prayer under her breath, wishing Amanda would disappear.


With a sigh, Jeanie pulled her eyelids open to find Amanda before her, a smile on her face.

Jeanie forced a smile.“Hello.” Her voice broke as she spoke.

“I left a message one week ago and you didn't get back to me.”

“I got your message, Amanda, ” Jeanie's eyes scanned the street behind Amanda, half expecting a lawyer to show up and serve her with court papers. “I have to go.” She said, turning around.


Strangely, Amanda sounded desperate and the desperation in her voice was strong enough to cause Jeanie to pause in her tracks.

“We need your help.” Amanda admitted. Jeanie watched her skeptically. “Are you headed somewhere?”

“It depends.” She sighed. “Look, if you're planning on suing me, i must warn you that I'm worth absolutely nothing at this point. I already lost both my job as a house sitter and a pizza delivery woman and I'm this close to drowning myself. I should also throw in the fact that I'm behind on my rent and avoiding my landlady is becoming more and more difficult. Actually, now that I think about it, prison does sound appealing. Free food, free housing plus I hear we get to watch tv once in a while. With everything...”

“Woah!” Amanda laughed, holding up her hand. “You're not being sued, Jeanie. Actually, you're being employed.” A smile played at the corners of Amanda's lips.

“What?” Jeanie still couldn't help being doubtful but at this point, she was plain worn out.

“Would you like to join us for lunch?”

Jeanie didn't have to think for a second before bobbing her head in response. When was the last time she had actual food? Anxious, she followed Amanda into the waiting Mercedes that drove them to a fancy five star restaurant with cutlery Jeanie wasn't even sure she could use.

Amanda excused herself and left Jeanie sitting there all alone, drinking expensive champagne. Jeanie's eyes traveled the length of the restaurant as she sat alone. Most customers seemed like business men and women with their partners. They all wore fancy business suits.

“I'm so sorry.” Amanda placed herself on the seat beside Jeanie. Jeanie shrugged and rose the glass to her lips. “Bernard would be joining us shortly.”

At the mention of Mr Moreau, the liquid in Jeanie's mouth went down the wrong path and a few seconds later, she was choking. Her eyes teared up and her lungs were burning. It didn't matter that she was creating a scene, Jeanie couldn't help but choke at the thought of sitting on the same table with Mr Moreau with his condescending gaze fixed on her.

“Are you okay?”

She shook her head, frustrated.

“Deep breaths, Jeanie.”

A few minutes later and she had gained control of the embarrassing situation. Jeanie wanted to speak of the fact that she wasn't comfortable with Mr Moreau but she held her tongue. Amanda mentioned a job and at this point, Jeanie was too desperate to care who her employer would be.

Bernard arrived in thirty minutes dressed in a fancy black business suit. His jaw was set and his eyes was aimed at her like she was guilty of murder. She cowered under his glare as he approached and sat across from her.

Bernard didn't make any reference to Jeanie before making his order. Once Jeanie had worked up the nerves to make her own order, Bernard faced her.

“I suppose Amanda must've briefed you on the situation at hand.” He quirked a brow.

Good day to you too, Mr fancy pants! A simple hello wouldn't kill you, now would it? She sighed. “No.”

“Well, since you managed to convince the entire universe that we're engaged, you might as well play the part of my fiancée.”

His words staggered Jeanie. This arrogant buffoon with his nose in the clouds and his fancy outfits thinks that just because he's strikingly handsome and rich, she'd want to be his fiancée? He probably didn't know that she was drunk when she spoke to the reporter.

“I'm sorry, I can't.” She was saying as the food arrived. Thankful for the small distraction, she immediately dug in.

“This is not a request, lady.” Anger laced Bernard's voice.


Jeanie's gaze shot up immediately at the sound of his furious voice. He was going to force her? Well now, that was arrogance on a whole new level. What on earth did people take her for?! Just because she was broke and alone and hungry, didn't give them the right to disrespect her!

She lifted her chin in defiance. “Well, I said no.”

Bernards fingers balled into a fist on the table. Jeanie watched as his hands trembled slightly, almost as if he was fighting the urge to break something.

“Jeanie, I know this is the most ridiculous request...” Amanda began.

Jeanie shook her head, stuffing a spoonful of food in her mouth.

“...but we're desperate and while Bernard here won't swallow his pride, it turns out your fake engagement means a lot to many important people who need to be pleased. Would it make a difference if we offered you money?”

Jeanie's interest was immediately piqued at the mention of money but one glance at Bernard's angry gaze and she decided his anger was built on his frustration of the fact that he needed her. A smile played at the corners of her lips as it all began to sink in. Mr high and mighty, Mr fancy Pants with the pretty receptionist, fancy apartment and a mighty ego, needed Jeanie!

Jeanie straighted, determined to gain as much advantage as was possible. “I've heard your plea, Amanda but Mr Fancy pants here...” She stared into his angry eyes. “...who obviously needs me, refuses to admit it. Personally, I'd like a proposal from Bernard himself.” She quirked a brow, offering him a corky smile. “Go ahead, Bernard, ask me to marry you.”

Jeanie tilted her head to the side and waited. The hours seemed to tick by slowly as she held Bernard's furious gaze.

“I'm done!” Bernard finally admitted, rising to his feet.

Fear clutched Jeanie's heart at his rejection. She should have just accepted the offer instead of playing tough. But Jeanie wanted to feel in control of something! If she was going to act the part of this arrogant man's fiancee, then she needed to be as tough as he was.

“No, you're not, Bernard!” Amanda took hold of his wrist and rose to her feet.

“Let go!” He threatened.

“Put your silly pride aside for a second, you idiot! You need this! Your company needs this! I need this and I'll be damned if I let you pass this up simply because you refuse to ask a woman to marry you!” Amanda growled under her breath.

Jeanie watched the exchange and after a brief second of both Amanda and Bernard glaring into each other's eyes, Amanda seemed to have won the battle because Bernard released a loud sigh and turned to Jeanie.

“Fine. Be my fiancée, please.” He clenched his teeth.

Deciding that she couldn't gamble this opportunity away, Jeanie smiled. “Now, was that too difficult, darling?”

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



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