Chapter Nine

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Somewhere in the distance of her mind, Jeanie heard someone beckoning her but she wasn't too willing to hid the call so she turned to the side and snuggled close to something she assumed was her pillow.

“Jeanie?” Someone tugged on her arm. 

Whoever it was, was annoyingly persistent. With a loud groan, Jeanie reluctantly opened her eyes, welcoming a stinging ray of sunlight. She turned over to her side and closed her eyes again, frustrated. For whatever reason she was woken up, it better be a good one. And how on earth did anyone get into her apartment? She froze. Was it a burglar? It couldn't be; a burglar would steal and leave. Plus, there was nothing to steal. Was she being kidnapped or held hostage? Her drowsy mind came up with as many criminal scenarios as was possible in less than one minute.


She heard a female voice and frowned. It didn't sound anything like Stacy so who could it be? Deciding that it was best to open her eyes and look into the eyes of her assumed assailant, she pulled her eyelids open and turned to the source of the voice.

“Bernard told me you kind of moved in which is great if you guys are going to convince the public that you're actually dating.”

Bernard? Dating? With a sigh, she finally remembered who this ginger head female was; Amanda. And worst of all, she remembered where she was; in Bernard's apartment. Fighting the urge to moan in frustration, she stared at Amanda.

“Anyway, I tried reaching you last night and when I couldn't, I called Bernard who informed me you were here. Great choice. It's good to see how much you two are working togeth...”

Jeanie frowned. For the life of her, she couldn't even comprehend Amanda's words. And when she did begin to comprehend them, she couldn't believe Amanda had woken her up just to express her joy over Jeanie's decision to move in with Bernard. Did Amanda know that Jeanie didn't have a choice? It almost seemed impossible that Bernard would pass off the chance to tell another human being just how pathetic Jeanie was because she couldn't pay for an apartment.

“Amanda, ” Jeanie forced a smile or what she hoped was a smile considering the state of her mind and her face. “I absolutely need you to get to the point so I can get back to dreamland. Just so you know, I'm the Queen there and I can't have my subjects wondering where I went because you saw the need to awaken me in the middle of a royal beheading...” Pulling the covers over her head, Jeanie closed her eyes.

“Oh, umm... Well, the beheading will just have to wait because Bernard's rating just went up. Plus, there's a fashion show tonight, by a designer,” Amanda began pulling the covers off of Jeanie as she spoke.

Reluctant, Jeanie grappled for the covers but Amanda was stronger or less groggy with sleep.

“Alli, and you have both been invited. This means...” Amanda finally won with the covers and pulled Jeanie out of bed with surprising strength. “I have to get you a dress and get it fitted, then there's hair and make up...” Jeanie stood before a smiling Amanda who now had both her hands captive. “You're going to be gorgeous.”

“Fair warning; me being gorgeous has never happened and probably never will.”

“What? You're gorgeous!” Amanda looked very convincing. For a while, Jeanie almost fell for it but she thought better of it. Considering the fact that Amanda was a publicist, groomed on the art of lies, she could probably convince an ostrich that he could fly. But Jeanie knew arguing with her would be of no use. So, with one final groan and a roll of her eyes, she gave in to Amanda's demands.


Bernard examined the last piece of fabric, his eyes shifting momentarily to the design on the piece of paper while his mind contemplated whether or not the fabric would bring the desired design to life.

He could feel the eyes of his employees planted on his bowed head as he examined the fabric, willing him to say yes. They were obviously tired and anxious to get home after a long day; five hours sitting on the same spot, in the same room, going over the same design. These were Bernard's designs for Paris Fashion Week, his last chance at getting the world to finally recognize him. He didn't care if the young folks seated around the table with tired eyes fixed on him, thought he was crazy or egocentric, he was going to make sure everything was perfect.

He released a sigh and glanced up at their tired faces, “No.”

A loud murmur followed his announcement.

“Nobody leaves this room until we get this done. I don't care if we have to stay the entire week...” His words faded on his lips as he caught sight of Amanda and what looked like Jeanie, making their way to the conference room.

A frown now settled on his face, he rose to his feet and hurriedly made his way to the door, just in time to stop them from getting in to the room.

True enough, Jeanie stood there with Amanda, dressed in one of his designs; a long red gown that clung to her body. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders in a curly mass and she had on makeup. He would never admit it out loud but she looked gorgeous.

He rose a brow, “What's going on?”

“You're about to be late for Alli's show, that's what's going on. And why aren't you dressed?” Amanda scolded.

He had completely forgotten about the fashion show. “I can't go.”

“What?!” Amanda half yelled.

“Have Jeanie represent me. Look, this is important for Paris...”

“I'm your publicist and i'm the one who gets to decide what's important and right now, Alli is! You can't back down on the show just like that! Plus, it's your opportunity to introduce Jeanie to the Media as Belle, your fiancée.”


She shook her head violently, halting the flow of his words. One look at her and he knew there was no arguing with her.

With a sigh, he pushed the conference room's door wide open, “Every body gets to go home tonight. We...” His employees didn't wait for him to finish speaking before they began piling out the room, visible excitement on their faces.

“Get dressed.” Amanda frowned. “Jeanie will be downstairs, waiting in the limo.” She announced, before pulling Jeanie along.

Bernard couldn't help the frown that spread across his face as he watched the two women leave. Everything in his body told him this was a bad idea; Jeanie was disaster just waiting to happen. 

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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