The Story of the Legend Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Who is this colored woman? Why is she here? They are hiring foreigners now?" The old lady whispered to her husband.

"I don't know, but I never expected them to hire blacks here. How disappointing". The husband whispered back to his wife.

Amari was listening to the whole thing, along with Su Hyun and his super hearing. Amari gave them an angry look and she was about to respond back, but Su Hyun stepped in between them.

"I apologize about this confusion. I hope this doesn't affect your future decision to stay with us". He told them.

"How could you hire a foreigner when you could have hired a Korean with better skills? A Korean who is more qualifiable?" Asked the wife.

"I conducted the interview with Amari myself and I found her to be quite eligible and qualified for this job, unless you don't trust my judgement?" Su Hyun asked the couple.

They stayed silent.

"Amari is no foreigner. She was actually born here". "Along with her ancestors". He thought. "I checked her resume and she is more than qualified for the position she applied for. She even has previous experiences working in a hotel. She is the perfect person for the job". He told them. "We here at Seoul International do not discriminate against people based on ethnicity, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation. I hired her because she fit the emoloyee I was looking for. I do not regret my decision. I never will". He told them.

The elderly couple didn't have anything else to say as they bowed their heads and walked away.

Amari smiled slightly, more like smirked as she crossed her arms against her chest, staring at Su Hyun.

"You do care about me". She teased her boss.

"No, you are mistaken. I just didn't like their racist attitude against you. Nothing more than that". He lied as he looked at her.

Of course, Amari wasn't believing it, but she didn't address it further. "Thanks". She told him. Then it hit her. "How did you hear all of that from your position? It was far".

Su Hyun tenses up as he didn't quite think that through. "Shit". He thought. "I have really good hearing and perfected the ability to read lips". He told her. It wasn't technically a lie. His hearing is on a super level and he has mastered reading lips just for fun of it.

Amari shrugged her shoulders, ending the topic.

Tae Wan Lee walked through the revolving doors of Seoul International and breathed in the scent of the hotel. It was so huge and expensive looking. He wasn't surprised. Su Hyun was always the type to enjoy expensive things. He looked around and gazed at all the customers walking in and out of the hotel, some going to their rooms and others checking in. Tae kind of grew jealous of Su Hyun.

"Wish I could own such an affluent venue". He whispered to himself.

The moment Tae Wan walked through the doors of Seoul International, a sense, a wave of danger coursed through Su Hyun's entire body, giving him goosebumps. He instantly went into protective mode as he tried to shield Amari from whatever danger he was sensing. Amari looked at him confused. "What's the matter?" She asked him, but Su Hyun didn't answer. Didn't even hear her. Instead, his focus was on trying to find the source of the danger. There were so many people in his proximity, he couldn't pinpoint who exactly it was. It could be anyone of these people before him.

Su Hyun couldn't stop a low growl from escaping his lips as his focus was on Tae Wan Lee. He looked exactly the same as 425 years ago. Tae Wan only smiled and waved at Su Hyun, like he was greeting an old friend, glad that he was fondly remembered. Then he noticed Amari.

"Kali?" He instantly thought. "No, I had killed her. It can't be her. Her descendant, maybe? Did that wretch have a baby before I ended her life? Such a nuisance". He thought. "I thought I was finally rid of that human barrier. I guess not. I have to kill her too".

As he stepped closer, Su Hyun growled more and looked like he was going to attack Tae Wan and tear him to shreds if he took another inch towards him and Amari.

"Judging from his reaction, it doesn't like that would be an easy task. He is very protective of her. Exactly how he was with Kali. Perhaps she could be a weakness?" He thought. Tae shook his head afterward. "No, judging from their body language, they have only just met. Why so protective of her though? Instinct perhaps?" He thought some more. "Does she remind you of Kali, Su Hyun? She looks just like her. Perhaps this is your other chance at love".

Tae Wan took out his camera and captured a picture of the two of them, before snapping pictures of the hotel. He smirked at Su Hyun again, before leaving the hotel, allowing for Su Hyun to finally relax.

Amari was confused about the whole situation. Why was he protecting her and who from? Who was that guy he was growling at and why was he growling at him and growling period. It was scary. It sounded like an actual rabid animal growling at its prey. Very realistic.

"Mind telling me, who that was?" She asked.

"Nobody. Just an old rival coming to town. I was taken by surprise. Nothing to worry about". He tried to reassure her.

Amari wasn't buying it. There was more to the story than Su Hyun left on. She wanted to know what it was and why he was trying to hide it from her.

"Who are you, Su Hyun?" Amari thought.

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