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Laura's pov
He was sick very sick he got pale he was sweating he wanted me he grabbed my hand he was so hot i rubbed his palm with my thumb I told him it will be okay he looked at me with sad eyes you could hear the breaths he took he was struggling his mom came and gave him a inhaler to help open his lungs he threw up afterwards I hate seeing my baby like this


"Yea my love?"

"Are you staying with me here"

"Of course"

"How is he laur?"

"Still bad is he going to be okay??"

"We're not sure Laura"

We heard Ross coughing again we ran to the living room Ross sat up and grabbed his chest and started screaming

"Ross? Ross I need you to calm down! You're overworking yourself!!"


"I got it!"

Rocky called 911 to explain why was going on while we were trying to get Ross to breath I've never seen my baby in this much pain it's upsetting me honestly the ambulance arrived and carried ross out he had tear stained cheeks and he was still extremely pale I wanted to cry seeing him like this but I stayed strong riker called me and everyone else to head out to the car we all got in and headed to the hospital


We finally arrived the nurse said they had Ross in a room and they'd let us know details soon I was panicking I wanted to know if he was fine  this is killing me!


"Yea laur?"

"Is he going to be okay this time"

"I hope so I really do"

"He's strong guys he's got this"

*20 minuets later*

We're all sitting in the waiting room impatiently waiting for some answers finally I hear the doors open and the man who was ross doctor the first few times he's been here walk up to us

"Hey lynch family well I have some good but bad news"

"Okay..hit us with it"

"Well..ross is stable finally his heart did stop 2 times but we got him back bad news is.."

"Is what?"

"*sighs* I'm so sorry guys but his cancer has gotten worse he has about 5 months to live"

That hit me like a ton of bricks


"I'm so sorry"

The doctor looked at us with sad eyes and walked away everyone was speechless only 5 months left with the love of my life? How can this happen he's only 18 about to be 19! He has to stay longer we have to have  kids together get married live together forever!! I can't do this not alone and not right now everyone is getting ready to go back to see him to break the news but I don't think I can do it.. not yet

Hey loves!! So sorry for not updating this!!!!! I've been busy I'm a cheer coach now and I have work on my ass for stuff other people and school piling up in so stressed but I'll be okay I hope y'all enjoyed I know this chapter sucks but will ross really outlive 5 months and live forever? Find out next time stay strong and rocking 🤘🏻💛

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