not him..

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Riker pov guys it's Ross is all I heard and then when we were at the hospital

Doctor:well..we..found a tumor on his brain..

Before his nurse could finish Laura was running down the hallway screaming while Rocky was chasing her cureable..

Doctor :we don't know until he wakes up which hopefully is a few days..but if we have more information we'll let you so sorry I had to tell you this way

Riker:t..thank you doctor..

Rydel:rike? he going to make it?

Riker:I don't know

Laura pov: my heart is shattered my baby has cancer and we never knew he didnt show signs or anything..i couldn't help but cry Rocky was chasing me he eventually caught me and just hugged me and told me over and over its okay..but.
It's not okay my love of my life is dying..

Ratliff:I hope he makes it idk what I'd do without him..

Riker:R5 would be over and I don't want that

Rydel:are we taking a break until he ya know..recovers 100%?

Riker:Yes R5 is not on tour as of now we have to stay in town to take care of him...

Rocky pov: I'm honestly losing it I've never been this long without seeing Ross do something stupid or us do something stupid together everyone says me and him are like 2 peas in a pod he's my best friend i..i can't lose him..

Laura:Ross baby wake..up

And with that Ross began to move


Cliffhanger once again! 😂 I'm so sorry but anyways another one will n up maybe tomorrow Idk but anyways I love you all stay rocking and pray for Ross in the book 😂💚😄🤘

Don't leave me..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin