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Hi well I'm laura Renee marano  I'm 18 years old and I'm from Miami well I met a guy when I was  15.. and I liked him the day my eyes laid upon his amazing blonde hair and his hazel eyes I just..idk how to describe the feelings I'm just terrified to tell him and he walk away and look at me stupid like Idk I'm just not your average teen I guess i work at my dad's music store sonic boom he's owned this place long before I was born so it looked a little run down that was before Austin stepped in and fixed the place and made it look brand new he even got me a new piano I just love having him as a friend 

My name is ross shor lynch and  I'm 17 (almost 18 I turn 18 a week after ally did so) but I'm also from Miami I just never ran into ally until I walked up to a bj9music store called sonic boom and seen a beautiful girl behind the counter yes,im in love with my best friend we've been best friends,partners,music buddies whatever since we were 15 but I have a best friend I've known since 2nd grade his name is dez he's been my pancake loving best friend (I love pancakes to don't get me wrong) but anyways I'm heading to sonic boom soon 

Well my name is dezmond Brian wade prefer to be called dez I'm 18 years old from Miami I have three great friends Austin is my best friend I'm so happy to be his friend I don't have much to say by I know Austin likes ally he confessed it to me a year ago he's just scared to tell her iv3 told him confess his feelings she might feel the same way but it's his choice not mine

My name is Trisha Maria delarosa prefer Trish I'm 18 from Miami born and raised ally has been my bestie for God knows how long we met in kidhergarten clicked instantly she likes Austin she's terrified to tell him Idk why he shows signs of liking her too sooo I told her go for it but idk idk if she ever will I'm aggressive but protecting over my 3 friends love them to death..

(This was just the intro I'll have the 1st chapter up tonight or tomorrow)

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