Its true

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Ross's pov

I have fucking cancer again..what did I EVER do to deserve this! I have seriously said nothing for 2 days I haven't been myself I don't want to go through this again I have a big fear of losing Laura I know she doesn't want to go through this with me again I get ready to go home as my siblings walk in I don't see my love sadly

"Hey bro you need help?"

"Why didn't Laura come with you guys?"

"She's scared Ross"

"I'm scared to I want to spend every minute I can with her!! Just in case"

"Of what"

"If I die"

"You're not going to die"

"Rydel you don't know that!! I could drop dead any minute I don't want to die I'm scared!"

"We know just be strong for us okay?"

"I'm hard"

"Hey how are you mr lynch?"

"Eh so can I go home?"

"Yup just sign these papers and you're free just be back her Monday morning at 6 am to start treatments"


They all leave the hospital the ride home is silent Ross has so many thoughts running through his head what if he died? What would his family do? The love of his life? He was so scared of the smallest things...soon enough they arrived home and everyone helped Ross inside and he headed up to his room he shut his door and laid on his bed for a while then his phone started going off

😍❤️the love of my life 😍❤️


"Hey baby"

"Hey babygirl"

"You okay rossy?"

"I guess I'm fine"


"I..I'm just scared laur "

"We're going to get through this I promise"

"I'm afraid you're going to leave me because I'm sick"

"Why do you think that love?"

"B..because you'll be to scared to be with somebody that's sick and dying and you won't be able to handle it.."

"Rossy baby boy listen..I will NEVER!! ever leave you because you're sick this is when you need me most! I love you to much to just up and leave you..."

"You mean that?"

"From the bottom of my heart"

"Well I have to go mom is cooking dinner and asked us to help if you want to come over and eat dinner with us"

"I'll ask I'll see you soon if I can I love you"

"I love you more"



(A/n I guess always is their forever 😂😂) Ross heads downstairs to help his mom cook he grabs some milk from the fridge as his mom kisses his cheek

"Hey Ross honey"

"Hey mom "

"Are you ok?"

"I guess"

"Honey I know this is hard believe me I know I've cried all night to be honest with you"


" of my babies is sick and is battling with the sickness"

"Mom I'm going to be ok I hope"

"We all do baby"

They finished cooking rydel helped her clean the kitchen Ross went outside and sat by the pool looking at the sky wondering what it'll be like in heaven cause he has a feeling he's not going to win this battle..

Hey loves!! Hope you enjoyed do you think Ross is going to make it? Do you think he'll win this battle of cancer ? Hope you enjoyed. Stay strong and rocking🤘🏻💛

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