breaking the news..

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Ross began to wake up he winced in pain as he tried to sit up Laura slowly laid him back down

Laura: baby I'm glad you're okay but we got to talk to you

Ross:first off whe..where am I

Rydel:the hospital you and Laura were in a bad accident you've been in a coma for 2 almost 3 weeks

Riker:Ross listen this is important..

Ross:w..whats wrong?

They explain to him what the doctor has told them..and they look at a emotionless shocked Ross I was dying either way..

Laura:don't think like that baby

Ross:how when I have fucking cancer now!

Laura:Ross love calm down

Ross:i..i can't (cries)

Laura is having to comfort Ross while he breaks down after getting the news he has cancer..riker is realising he almost lost him and he's about to lose him again..

Rocky:you start treatments today after your treatment you can go home..

Doctor:Okay so are we ready for Ross?

Ross:I have no choice do I


Ross:i love you all

All:we love you..

As Ross is pushed away Laura begins to cry and the boys and rydel have to comfort her and tell her he's gonna be fine

Doctor:these treatments will make him sick now and weak so we're not sure if he can perform on tour with y'all


riker:he's our lead singer! He has to

Doctor:we can try everything we can to make him perform but I don't see it possible

Rocky:please doctor

After the treatment Ross is ready to go home he's tired and so he and Laura go to his room and sleep he wraps his arm around Laura's waist and kisses her passonietly.

Laura goes to sleep wondering how did she get so lucky to get a guy like him.

Family fluff omg!😀anyways hope y'all enjoyed the chapter well next one will be coming up hopefully soon thank my friend R5_forever_2001

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