One Year Later

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Friday - 8:00 AM

So he decides to be late...AGAIN! 

His album Meet'N Greet was supposed to have ended hours ago. I sit in the living room of the suite we choose in Madrid. He's well aware of how long it took me to get this place. This deluxe suite had been booked for months. I text him again.

'Jung I swear to God if you don't get here in the next 5 minutes I am leaving.' It's an idle threat but one I rarely get to use. I'm more tired than anything. The tour for my new single I just finished up so I had the fly straight here. Contrary to my mother and some harsh critics my career didn't plummet into the abyss. When news of the engagement ending broke people were disappointed and saddened by my decision but what they got in return was kick ass album where I wrote my own songs. The single "In Our Secrets" went double platinum in a month.

 Apparently, people love pain and that's what I gave them. Pain, pleasure, and joy. What was even cooler is I did a release of my album in Korean. It paid homage to my Korean fans who supported me since the very beginning. I actually did better than UI on the Gaon Charts.  A first for a foreign artist. I was able to sell out two concerts and still do a few private shows.

 Not bad. 

Charles ended up marrying reality star Erica Mena, which was a better fit for him I believe. And as icing on the cake, my mother finally got over herself and accepted Jung. She's cool with not being my manager and is slowly realizing she is not in control of my career or life anymore. It's one day at a time with her. The great thing is my family has completely welcomed Jung. They actually adore him and his goofy tendencies. It took a bit longer for his dad to accept me. He was right though, his mother loves me so much and is so proud of me already. I haven't even done anything. She teaching dishes to make and ceremonies to prepare for. She is making up for all those years I'd wish to be doing mother-daughter activities with my own parent. I love her so much. I visit when I am in town which is at least 6 times a year. 

We purchased two condos, one in LA and one in Seoul. That way we always have a place to spend time with family. His band member pretty much live at the one in Seoul and enjoy the benefits of being close friends of Helz. Jung was able to stay with the group and start some solo career ventures. Because of how well his overseas promoting is going they decided to push his enlistment date back to 2020. That way he could leave the limelight once he is more established in the American industry. Signing with Capitol Records was the best thing to happen to him. It made his very public break up with Sun Hee all the most expected considering their now super busy schedules.

Our relationship has not gone public but it's for the best at this time. Neither celebrity world is ready for the likes of us. Sun Hee did find out about me but knew she couldn't compete and coming for me while still trying to build her career would have gone over poorly for her. So she silently accepted his decision and walked away. 

Smart girl. 

I just love having a home no matter where I'm at. One I built with the man I love...who is now 20 minutes late. I grab my phone as a text alert goes off.

'On the elevator.'

'Bout time!' I text back. I move into position on the couch. I didn't move too much considering I'm new to pregnancy. The little bean sprout is only 5 weeks old but still, I feel being careful is best. Plus daddy has to find out the news. Its time our family starts growing and we plan to get married so a bun in the oven doesn't phase me anymore. Nothing did. I hear the key unlock the door. Jung steps in.

"Baby I'm sorry. This time the driver found out who I was and-" he stops mid-sentence looking up at me. I sit on the couch holding my stomach in his favor blue button down and nothing else. Just like last time.

"I have some news for you," I say nervously. He rushes over to the sofa and pulls me into a deep kiss.

"I have an idea but first this is for you," he pulls out a Tiffany blue box wrapped in a white ribbon.

"There better not be a note, I swear Jung if it's a note," I promise him as I open the box anxiously. I slowly remove to find beautiful Tiffany necklace laced with diamonds in the shape of a heart.

"Your engagement ring is still at Harry Winston but I wanted you to have something cute," he says kissing my forehead. I smile widely and let him place it around my neck.

"So no more secrets?" He asks rolling me onto his lap to straddle him. 

Looking down lovingly I reply, "no more secrets. Just one rather big surprise."

Each other's secret no more.


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