Saturday (cont.)

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3:00 PM

I wake to the smell of eggs and from what I could make out ham. Looking around the bedroom Jung is nowhere in sight but when I hear a deep voice singing the OST from "Goblin" I knew where he was. I grab my underwear and robe and strolled out to the kitchen area to see the love of my life is doing what makes him the happiest, cooking. Jung would have been a chef if he hadn't become a trainee. He taught himself both Korean and western dishes and usually cooks for M.A.D. Though many of times the other members are forced to eat his experiments. I'm fortunate to receive the final results.

"Smells amazing," I smile as I walk over the breakfast bar.

"Mon Ami, take a seat for you have ham, eggs, and french toast to enjoy," He grins proud of his handiwork.

"My favorite," I exclaim in my baby voice. I plop down and dig in. Jung turns the volume down on the stereo and fixes a plate for himself.

"It's so much easier for us to have the refrigerator stocked," he says moving to sit next to me at the breakfast bar.

"Hmm," I moan never looking up. The brunch was amazing as always. I love his cooking.

"Hey, slow down. Don't get sick on me," he notices my speed eating. I stop to chew.

"I didn't realize I was so hungry. Crying uncontrollably must have taken a lot out of me," I joke. Jung stayed silent.

"Hey, I am just kidding," I assure him. I reach over and grab his hand and squeezed.

"While you were sleeping I thought about everything and the last thing I want to do is end our relationship like this. Helz...lets enjoy our last weekend together. I want to just love you and be with you the remaining day and a half we have," Jung pauses my folk. Pouting I was just about to eat a piece of ham.

"Jung that is all I have been waiting for you to say," I put the folk down to hug him. He lifts me out off of my stool suddenly. Surprised I wrap my legs around him.

"What are you doing?" I giggle. He carries me to the bed and tosses me down.

"I'm hungry but not for that," he states seductively as he parts my legs and moves to start kissing my inner thigh. I breathe heavy know what is about to cum I lose the ability to think as his tongue pushes down in my pussy. 

Guess I can eat later.

7:00 PM

Spending a day in a hotel suite makes one feel like they are trapped in a high-end prison but with Jung, I never feel stuck. I never have time. From fucking to sucking to sleeping and watching on demand movies we keep ourselves pretty busy. I grabbed the laptop and we make corny jokes about what the media was running this week in our separate lives.

"The Dispatch is way more chill than People and you know it," I argue.

"I don't see what?" Jung tries to counter poorly.

"Babe, it's 'How'. 'I don't see how.' And remember when I had to sue them because they claimed I was pregnant by Justin Timberlake. Really? At least Dispatch gets their facts straight," we both chuckled a little.

"Yeah but that's because they published news that is hard to deny," he went silent suddenly, pausing for a moment as if he was deciding to tell me something. I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

"......We staged our meeting for Dispatch. Our managers wanted it to look natural and open which is rare. I didn't even know until the first time we met up. I didn't have feelings for her in the beginning I swear. Sun Hee is just ALWAYS there, always pushing into my life but wanting me to win. It's natural in Korea you know that. I'm her Oppa, -"

"But you were my MAN. I didn't want an Oppa," I cut him off. I can't be but so mad. This is our lives. "I'm not mad babe. At first yes...fuck yes I was pissed but you have to do what's best for your career and your image. I may be fine as hell but our fans are not ready for US -" I point between us.

"Personally, I don't care what they think. I am madly in love with you and I would drop Sun Hee is a second if it meant I could be in a world with you. AS MINE," he leans to kiss me deeply. So deep I know what he's saying to real and true. He pulls me into his lap on the bed. Nearly knocking the laptop over. Without a fore thought I climb up and straddle him. I feel his getting hard again. We have been going non-stop for almost 3 hours. Where does he get all this stamina I thought. My mind was completely turned off as his tongue made it to my neck. My eyes roll back as I grab his hair.

"Baby we have been going at it all day," I kiss all over his face. He leans into me to lay his head on my chest.

"I know. I just can't get enough of you," Jung is doing the most licking on my breast, the closet skin he can find.

"And I am not complaining but you know, I get sore after a while. Hey, how about we go to the cafe shop down the street and get some pastries before they close?" I suggest. I really did need the break and I need to know my legs still function. He remains silent for a minute. He knows I need the rest.

Finally he looks up at me and smiles.

"Ok, ga-ja," he pushed himself off the bed to find his YSL sweatpants. Delighted he actually wants to leave I hop up and grab my comfy tank dress and throw it over my head. I love everything that Nation Limited makes. He sneaks up on my and boobs from behind.

"Be Parisian, no bra," he whispers in my ear. I nuzzle his neck. I am addicted to his scent.

"Anything you say," I moaned. I pulled away before we didn't leave. I grabbed my hat and scarf. He picks up his black face cover and hat. Looking like the sexiest thief in the night he throws on his tank top, grab his jacket, pulls me into his arms and opens the door in one motion.

What is he an international spy? I thought to myself still in his arm.

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