Chapter 2

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It's been a long  time since I last saw my reflection in the mirror, now I see clearly that I've become a little different from how I was before , my dirty blonde hair is all messy , my hazel eyes  seem dull and stressed  and I have a small cut on my slightly full lips that I didn't even notice before.

"Did Megan ask you any questions about your health ?" Mariana says as she joins me in the  rest room, I love how sweet her accent sounds.
" No........., but I am perfectly sure I don't have any infections or problem..Why?" I ask confused .

" you look a little pale , I've been watching you, ...have you been eating well?" She's  asks again, and that's when I remember that I am pregnant and she's probably seeing the signs already. What do I do? What if they don't want a pregnant girl slowing them down and they decide to kick me out?, I won't let that happen .

"I haven't had good sleep in days, that could be why" I lie and it immediately makes me feel bad but I'll do anything to protect my child.

"It's getting late we need to go for the supply run before we leave town tomorrow" Anthony announces with his thick voice ."Where are we going ?" I ask him personally for some reason I feel like I can only trust him and Megan.
" An island , Logan and Megan have been doing some research and they found out about an island that had been abandoned way  before the break out. We're hoping that there are no zombies there, and since zombies can't swim, they won't be able to get there . There we'll finally have the chance to live normal lives" he says while filling his gun with bullets .

"Wow that sounds like a good plan, if it works it means we don't have to keep living our lives on the run". And my baby will be born into a better place I think to myself. " Yeah so let's not waste anymore time, Let's go!!" Anthony cheers as we walk behind him .

Immediately we get outside, we find a bunch of zombies heading towards us.

"Thank God we're leaving tomorrow this place is no longer safe .... Megan, I'm sure they must have followed you and the new girl here " kelvin frowns at Megan. "Kelvin , Stop whining like a girl and shoot your gun instead!!" Megan yells as the number of zombies start to increase and before anyone else

So we get to the mall, all of us well equipped with weapons . 

"We don't want to lurk around this mall or get too distracted" , will pick all the things Medicals and care supplies. Chloe and kelvin will pick all the canned food and drinks , Anthony and logan you pick any kind of survival materials , Megan pick every possible gadgets we will need , Caroline and Riley pick any random stuff we will need and Genesis get some things for yourself and the baby . And of course everyone picks their own personal clothes and stuff". She sighs after speaking really fast without taking breaks .

So we proceed to shopping, i picked lots of candy cause of my cravings, I picked some really comfy clothes then some other stuff I don't need.

I am done shopping and I'm waiting for the rest, when a zombie boy comes running towards me and before he even gets close I finish him off with 3 gunshots . I take a look at his body, i never want my child to end up like that .

"That was quick and accurate , you might be useful after all" Chloe comments. I don't know if I should take take it as an offense or a compliment.
. ....

"So what else is on your list of things to do before we leave for this mysterious place?,", I ask Megan as soon as we're back on the bus. "We need a bus, a really big one like a....... wait , who are those?" Megan and I get  distracted by some guys on the road running away from a bunch of Zombies, the guys are really good with weapons but it seems like they are out numbered.

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