▪Was this their plan?

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Matthais is in no mood for games and got even more upset when he was asked to seat.

Matthias: Are you bloody kidding me? You better explain your stupid plan or you'll get what's coming to you!
Cynthia: Oh calm down Matthy, and what are you going to do? Cry to Emilia for help? You are a pretentious sound of a bitch you know? I actually thought you loved Emilia, it was always about her money, wasn't it?
Matthias: What the hell are you talking about?
Cynthia: Oh don't plan dumb, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You've always had a taste for rich older women. Does Emilia know you're the father of Adaline's kids? Her best friend by the way.
Matthias: Woah! I didn't know they were besties okay, I found out just a few weeks back. Adaline was so pissed that I didn't want to meet her family, and was willing to let that slide if I at least meet her best friend. I was going to, till Emilia came visiting. I was really not expecting it okay? I'm not a to....
Cynthia: You are so sad you know? Why would you get that old lady pregnant?
Matthias: She's 40, she's not that old.
Cynthia: Yeah, right.
Matthias: And I didn't mean to get her pregnant. The bitch made me believe she was on pills, and I couldn't say no to skin to skin.
Cynthia: Oh God, I don't need the bloody details! (in a disgusted face)
Matthias: Well, you got it.
Cynthia: You're a sick person you know that? Emilia is a bitch but I think she actually loves you and I'm pretty sure she has mentioned you to Adaline severally or even shown her a picture.
Matthias: Nah, I make sure none of my clients gets my picture and I change names, Emilia is the only woman I told my real name. I actually do care about her.
Cynthia: Bullshit! I knew you couldn't live such a comfortable life without getting your hands a bit dirty.
Matthias: Well, what can I say. I'm a pro. It actually feels good sharing these though, I'm pretty smart huh? And uhm how did you find out? I'm always very smart about these things and always clear my tracks. And not to be rude but you are dumb as pie.
Cynthia: Hurtful! I'll have you know that I made some contributions and Mariá says I'm smart so I'll take it from her not you!
Matthias: Mariá just seems to be sooo efficient.
Mariá: I'm smarter than I look.
Matthias: Well I can obviously see that now.
Cynthia: Guys, Emilia and Victoria just walked in. It's about to go down!

*They all turn to the laptop to watch all that's happening at the mansion*

Krook is sitting on the couch waiting for his family impatiently.

*Emilia and Victoria enters*

Emilia: Fin, darling. How are you?
Krook: I'm alright, where are you guys coming from?
Victoria: Hi dad. (she hugs him). We were at the airport. Emilia got a text from you.
Krook: I didn't send a text.
Emilia: Uhm yeah, you did. You even asked that I bring Vicky along.
Krook: Hmm. I didn't send that but that's the least of my worries. What are these? (he brings out birth control pills
Emilia: Where did you find these? (she tries to hide her shock)
Krook: On your bed, what are they for? Don't tell me you've been taking these?? You know we've been trying for a boy. How could you do this Emile? Don't you want a child?
Emilia: Uh of course I do, they are not for you. (she says in panic)
Krook: What?? There's another man?
Emilia: No, I mean that uhm they are not for you, like for us. I bought it for Victoria, I heard it reduces period cramps.
Krook: Oh, then why do you still have it?
Victoria: I'll take that, (she collects the pills) she asked me to get them from her room earlier but I was being lazy. You know how much I hate drugs. (she covers for Emilia)
Krook: Yeah, I know.
Emilia: Honey, you thought I was taking those? Come on.
Krook: I'm sorry dear, I had a long day.
Emilia: It's alright my love. Let's go upstairs and get you cleaned up before dinner.

*Bell rings*

Victoria: I'll get it.

*she opens the door*

Victoria: What are you doing here?
Juliet: Hello Victoria. May I come in?
Victoria: You didn't answer my question
Krook: Victoria, who is it?

*Juliet manages to pass Vicky and enters*

Juliet: Hi Finny, it's been a while.
Krook: Do not call me that! What are you doing here Juliet!?
Juliet: It's my house remember? We never really got a divorce.
Krook: How dare you come into my house, have you no shame?
Juliet: Oh I do Finny, it is shame that has kept me away all these years.
Krook: So what gives you the right to come in now?
Juliet: I just wanted to know why.
Krook: Why? Why what?
Juliet: Why you sent Richard to me.
Krook: I don't know what you're talking about.
Victoria: Dad, what is she saying? Who is Richard?
Juliet: Richard is the man I ran away with. I found out that your father paid him to flirt with me and ensure that I get wooed enough to leave my marriage.
Victoria: Dad? Please tell me she's lying and let's call the cops on her.
Krook: (referring to Juliet) How dare you come into my house and accuse me of that you crazy wanka. So what next? I made you take off your pants and had him fuck you??
Juliet: I admit to being stupid enough to allow him between my legs, but I know you asked him to approach me and I want to know why! (she cries)
Krook: You've always been such an ugly crier. I never loved you Juliet, our marriage was just an arrangement between our parents. I knew the only way to send you out was by getting you to cheat. And it was so easy being the loose whore that you are.

*Juliet continues to cry*

Juliet: You made me leave my daughter just because you wanted a divorce? You old bastard! How dare you!? (she tries to hit him)
Krook: Watch yourself you filthy rag! (he pushes her away) Don't be so dramatic, she's Evergreen's daughter not yours.
Juliet: What?
Krook: It was your child who died, not Evergreen's. I had the nurses make a switch. So you are just nobody. No daughter, no husband, no 'boyfriend' no body!
Juliet: You're a cruel man Krook, everyone called me a whore, I was humiliated for years while you had the good guy reputation. You slept with my sister you bloody retard!

*She slaps him, he cleans his face with a handkerchief*

Krook: Oh don't be so jealous, she wanted it. And if it makes you feel any better, I was gentle. Evergreen is so fond of appearing smart and righteous, that's why I fell in love with her, or at least I thought I did. She doesn't know even know where I live or that Victoria is her kid, she always swore she heard a baby cry. I think after I was able to convince her that she was hallucinating, my feelings for her changed. I mean how can someone be so stupid. (he laughs)
Victoria: Dad? Dad why are you saying these things? This isn't you (she was already drenched in tears)
Krook: Oh but darling, it is the truth.
Victoria: Why would you do this to me? I don't even know how to feel. You're not my dad, my dad wouldn't do this.
Krook: Victoria, my love. Please calm down. I know this is all hard for you to take in but look at me, it's me, your dad. You're still my princess and the only one I've ever truly loved. Please look at me, forgive me.

Victoria's eyes kept spinning and couldn't hear a thing Krook said. She fell on the floor and past out.

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