▪The Letter 2.

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Emilia is sitting on the sofa close to the kitchen. She has this crazy look on her face as she calls Victoria.

Emilia: Victoria!!
Victoria: Yes mommy.
Emilia: Can you smell that?
Victoria: Smell what?
Emilia: Like something burning. It seems to be coming from the kitchen.
Victoria: Hmmm (she inhales) I think I can smell something.
Emilia: Quickly, go check!

*Victoria rushes to the kitchen and finds paper burning on the burner. On close look, it turned out to be the letter her mother left her years ago. Victoria immediately broke down in tears
Emilia walks in with a smile*

Victoria: How could you? (she stammers)
Emilia: (laughs) This is just the beginning darling.
Victoria: This was the only thing I had from my mum. How could you do this? (crying bitterly)
Emilia: Okay, I've heard about enough of your irritating voice! Shup up and clean up this mess. I'll be cooking dinner tonight.
Victoria: I hate you Emilia, you'll regret doing this.
Emilia: Uuuhh, I'm sooo scared, I could wet myself (she says sarcastically). Listen rat, (she pulls her by the throat) I could end your life right this moment if I want to (strangling her) but I have way better plans for you. If you hate me good for you, I guess we have one thing in common, but don't ever say it to my face. The next time you do, it'll be your last words (she's lets her go)

Victoria breathes heavily as she tries to gasp for air. Emilia drives down town to see Adaline.

*Emilia knocks at the door, Adaline opens*

Adaline: Emile, I wasn't expecting you, how are you?
Emilia: I'm alright, may I come in?
Adaline Of course, where are my manners! Make yourself comfortable.
Emilia: (seats) Sorry I haven't reached out in a while, I've been awfully busy.
Adaline: Oh come on, it hasn't been that long! it's alright. What have you been up to?
Emilia: Oh nothing much. Just a little fun here and there.
Adaline: Well, tell me!
Emilia: Where do I begin? I have literal.....

*Emilia is interrupted by Adaline's kids*

Hilary: Mum, can you help me with this button?
Adaline Of course honey (she unbuttons her daughter's dress)
Clinton: Mummy, I can't eat all my vegetables.
Adaline: Aww, come here (she removes the broccoli stuck in his teeth) Now go to your room, I'll check on you guys later.
Hilary: Okay mum.
Clinton: Okay.

*They run upstairs*

Adaline: Sorry about that, what were you saying?
Emilia: Nothing, never mind.
Adaline: Really?
Emilia: Yeah. Uhm, I'll be leaving now...
Adaline: No, I didn't get you anything to drink.
Emilia: It's alright, I'm good
Adaline: Are you sure?
Emilia: I said I'm good!
Adaline: Okay, no need to get fiesty.

Emilia walks out without a single word. That bitch wants to rub it in my face, I don't need kids! I'm fine on my own, she thought as she drives to Matthias' old apartment. He had just moved into the mansion and still had some of his belongings there. She needed a quiet place to think and it was the only place she could think of. The landlord hears footsteps coming from the house.

Landlord: Matthias? Is that you? (he asks as he walks to his door)
Emilia: Good day sir.
Landlord: Hello beautiful lady. How are you?
Emilia: I'm well sir, how are you?
Landlord: I'm okay. This old bones is still working perfectly.
Emilia: Uhm alright, that's really nice (she says as she fakes a smile)
Landlord: Sorry to disturb but is Matthais home?
Emilia: No, he isn't.
Landlord: You must be his sister. Am I right?
Emilia: Uh well yes, yes I am.
Landlord: Oh well it's nice to finally meet you.
Emilia: The pleasure is all mine.
Landlord: He talks about you a lot, I expected you to be a lot younger. Anyway I wanted to tell him, a young woman named Veronica came looking for him, she wanted to see him urgently. Can you let him know?
Emilia: Yes, of course. Did she say anything else?
Landlord: No, nothing I can remember. But she came with a young boy. Say 7-10 years old.
Emilia: Okay. Thanks for the information.
Landlord: No problem beautiful, stay safe.
Emilia: You too.

Emilia couldn't understand what the old man said, Matthais told her he had no family left, with only few friends. Now she finds out that he has a sister he talks about a lot. She wanted to confront him about the whole thing but needed to be smart about it. She arrives home to prepare dinner.

*Dinner is ready!!*

Emilia: Victoria!!
Victoria: I'm not hungry.
Emilia: Come over here this instant! Seat down,  grab a fork and eat your food!
Victoria: Alright alright! (she seats reluctantly and takes a bit)
Emilia: How is it?
Victoria: It's actually really nice.
Emilia: Thank you darling, I knew Molly will make a good meal.
Victoria: What?? (she spits continously). Emilia what do you want from me? (she asks like a dying person)
Emilia: I already have all I want but seeing that ridiculous look on your face is something I can't just pass.

*Bell rings, Victoria stands to get the door*

Emilia: Seat! I'll get it.

Emilia had just put up a notice outside demanding for a maid from ages 16-25 who speaks fluent english. She wanted someone young because she needed to see if Matthias is the cheating scum she swears he is.

*Emilia opens the door*

Girl: Hello ma'am, I'm here to apply for the position of a maid.
Emilia: Young, beautiful and speaks perfect english, you're hired!
Girl: Really? Thank you ma'am. I'm so thril....
Emilia: Enough! You start right away. Victoria! Show this young lady to her room.
Victoria: Yes mommy.
Emilia: The room next to Matthais'.

They both walk to the room.

Victoria: This is crazy, I think we should forget about this plan.
Cynthia: Relax Vicky, it's going smoothly she doesn't know me neither those she know Matthais is my brother.
Victoria: Matthias is your brother??
Cynthia: Yeah, crazy right? He doesn't know I'm here, I just recently found out. I got to his apartment pretending to be Veronica like we planned, when I got in, I saw pictures and discovered the Matthais, is my Matthais. I think he's seeing your mom.
Victoria: Yeah, you did mention an older brother who ran away from home. Wait! Seeing my mom?
Cynthia: Yeah, they're having sex.
Victoria: You don't have to say it like that! And why are you so sure?
Cynthia: I saw her pictures there too. He really seems to like her.
Victoria: Gross, stop talking. I guess I wasn't dreaming when I saw them together that night.
Cynthia: (laughs) My mom is always calling him, begging him to come back home. Haven't you noticed frequent calls?
Victoria: Nah, although he hangs up calls anytime he sees me coming. But that aside, I'm glad you're here. How was the act??
Cynthia: It was great, I brought Tony, my little brother along to make it more spicy.
Victoria: (laughs) That was quite unnecessary.
Cynthia: Yeah yeah, the landlord bought it though. I had this loud make up on. I looked like a 30 year old with a son, that is Tony of course.
Victoria: I'm so proud of you! But also worried.
Cynthia What is it now?
Victoria: What if Matthais tells Emilia?
Cynthia: Don't worry about that, I can handle my brother. We'll be fine, I promise.

      What does these two have planned?

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      What does these two have planned?

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