▪Alone at last.

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Victoria was still in shock after what she has just found out. It was never in Emilia's place to send Mariá away.

Victoria: It is not in your place to send Mariá away. She has worked here since I could remember. She is a part of this family. Does my dad know about this?
Emilia: Not yet, he'll hear of it as s....

*Victoria interrupts*

Victoria: So you made this decision on your own? You have no right to do that!
Emilia: Now you listen to me you spoilt brat, (she says as she comes closer) the next time you raise your voice at me, I'm going to cut off your tongue and feed it to that nasty dog.
Victoria: Dog? What dog?
Emilia: Oh your dad bought a dog for you. He said it was something to remember him by. (she mimicks)
Victoria: Where is it? (she asks with excitement).
Emilia: I left it at the balcony, it was barking too much.
Victoria: The balcony?? It's cold as hell out there, why would you do that!?

*Emilia pulls her by the hair*

Emilia: I don't know how many times I'll warn you to watch your tone while you speak to me.
Victoria: Ahh! That hurts, let me go! Please.
Emilia: (holds it tighter) This is my house and you'll live by my rules. Is that understood?
Victoria: (hesitates)
Emilia: (pulling her hair even more) I said, is that understood??
Victoria: Yes, yes I understand.
Emilia: Just yes?
Victoria: Yes, mommy.
Emilia: That's more like it. (she says as she lets go)

*Victoria runs off crying to the balcony to save her dog*

That same night, Victoria was trying to sleep but couldn't. The noise from the living room was just too much. It was loud music. She walks down to see what is going on and discovered Emilia threw a party. How could she do this? She thought. The house is full of expensive things, many are priceless to Krook. She moved around to see if she could find Emilia but couldn't.
She went up to her room to get the mini camera her dad bought her to take pictures she'd show him when he returns. She walked to Emilia's room to confront her about turning her father's house into a fun house. She got closer and there was loud music coming from the room, the door was unlocked, so she walked in only to find her in bed with another man. She was startled and tried to take a picture knowing they wouldn't hear the camera shuttle, but couldn't cos the man saw her and signaled Emilia. Emilia wore a robe quickly to chase her. As Victoria ran in fright, she tripped on a bottle of beer and fell down the stairs causing her to pass out. She woke up on her bed with Emilia next to her.

Victoria: What happened? What's going on?
Emilia: You fell down the stairs my dear. Thank goodness you're okay. The family's doctor just left. He says you'll be okay, there are no broken bones. Just minor bruises.
Victoria: Why did I fall? I've walked on those stairs for years and nothing like this has happened.
Emilia: Don't ask me, I just walked in and saw you lying flat on the floor. Do you remember anything?
Victoria: Uh no, not clearly. But I believe I was running from someone and I was scared. Yeah, I was running from you. I don't remember why.
Emilia: Me??(laughs) I never chased you. You must have been dreaming.
Victoria: Well, alright. I guess the part of you pulling my hair was a dream too.
Emilia: Oh no honey, that was all real.
Victoria: Ow....
Emilia: Yes, and I meant every word.
Victoria: Right.

*Victoria stretches her hands to the direction where she keeps her phone*

Emilia: Are you looking for this? (brings out phone)
Victoria: Give it back! (she tries to grab it)
Emilia: Not so fast. You're not getting this back till I'm ready to give you. If I'm ever ready.
Victoria: You can't do that.
Emilia: Oh but I can. And don't bother looking for your ipod or pc. They're safe with me.
Victoria: That's not fair. What if I want to reach my dad??
Emilia: We'll reach him together. On my terms.
Victoria: He needs to know what happened.
Emilia: Really? Why bother my husband with something like this? You seem to be alright, or do you want him to worry and get distracted from work?
Victoria: I guess not.
Emilia: I thought so. Now take this, it will make you feel better. (unwrapping her medication) Don't give me that look, I'm not trying to kill you. Just following the doctors orders.

*She takes it and sleeps off after sometime*

She wakes up with the need to take a selfie but recalls her phone is with Emilia. She got her mini camera instead. As she scrolled to view others, it was empty. All her pictures has been wiped out and is left with only one. The picture she just took. It was in that moment she realised something isn't right.

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