▪Krook's Return.

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It was just a few days before Krook returns. The mansion has been awfully quiet but crazy for the past few days, Victoria has received a ton of emails from Juliet who is still trying to apologise. Cynthia isn't sure they'll go through with the plan anymore.

*Cynthia walks into Vicky's room*

Cynthia: Hey Vick, what's up?
Victoria: Hi, well I'm still trying to wrap my head around things and you know 'recover', apart from that I'm great.
Cynthia: Yeah, that's cool. I'm glad you're being  brave. Anyway I wanted to ask about our plan, the whole ''Operation Expose Emilia'', I feel like we've been ignoring all that and it's for a good reason but I've sacrificed my time into this, you know I'd never clean on a normal basis and I've had to lie to my parents about my location. Please tell me I've done this for a cause.
Victoria: Uhm, yeah. I know you've sacrificed a lot, it's just that Emilia is the least of my worries right now.
Cynthia: Are you kidding me? She still tortures you. She's been directing all her anger on you. Remember days ago, she used some of your clothes to 'heat up' the fire place and when you tried confronting her, remember what happened next?
Victoria: I scratched her face...
Cynthia: Then she made you get rid of the finger nails but thought you were being too gentle. She used a knife to trim your nails and wasn't nice at all! Victoria? Should I go on??
Victoria: No, do not.
Cynthia: What she's going through doesn't give her the right to do all that, and now you're thinking of backing out?
Victoria: It's not worth it, I mean she's not worth it. If I revenge, I only become the same person as she is. My dad didn't raise me that way, the past few days has been an eye-opener for me and I've learnt disapointing or letting someone down causes the same heart break as running away. Plus it would really tear my dad. I don't want to hurt my dad's feelings because of my hunger for revenge, that'd be selfish of me.
Cynthia: So all the work and time I've put into this was just a waste?
Victoria: I'm sorry you've had to lie to your parents and do chores which I know you hate, I couldn't thank you enough for being by my side through out this time. You really are an incredible person.
Cynthia: (blushing) Well I can't argue with that. I'm lit like that, that's why I'm Cynthia 'Lantern'

*They both laugh as they hug*

Cynthia: Well, I have to get packing.
Victoria: You're leaving??
Cynthia: Uhm duhh.
Victoria: Oh, uhm okay. I guess I'll see you around.
Cynthia: For sure.

*She leaves*

Cynthia is so pissed about Victoria's sudden change of heart, she isn't ready to throw all the weeks of hard work out the door. 'I'll continue the plan without her and I'll do it my way' she thought.

A few days later, Krook returned home. He got in and there was no one to welcome him.

Krook: Hello? Victoria? Emile? I'm home!

*Door opens*

Matthias: Mr Krook?
Krook:  Uh who are you? And what are you doing here? Where's my daughter and Emile??
Matthias: Who I am doesn't matter, I got a text from Emilia asking me to hurry here that there was an emergency.
Krook: Okay.... and why would my wife need a stranger to help her in emergencies?
Matthias: I can't answer that, it's obvious it was a prank, I'll be on my way now.
Krook: If Victoria and Emilia aren't home then the mansion should have been locked, there's no way you could get in without a key. Who gave you the key?
Matthias: That's not.. I can't...I..

*Matthias runs straight to the door*

Krook: Come back here you!!

*Matthais was already blocks away*

Krook: What the hell is going on here? (he asks himself as he tries to call Emilia's phone)

Matthias sat on bench as he breathes heavily from the race. He thought Emilia was in real danger as she sounded eager in the text.

Matthias: Wait text? Oh my fucking g... Emilia never sends text messages. How could I be so fucking stupid. I'm so desperate to get her back I couldn't even think. Shit shit shit. Someone is planning something stupid. Who could be cooking up something so dumb yet so clever? Hmmm Cynthia!!

*He exclaimed as he ran home to meet her*

*At home*

Matthias: Cynthia!!
Ms Lantern: Matthias? Honey it's been so long.

*She hugs him tightly*

Matthias: Mum, I've missed you.
Ms Lantern: Really?? You barely pick up my calls, you are always in a hurry to hang up, you always avoid me in the streets like I'm the plague. Why do you treat me like this? (she begins cries)
Matthias: Mum, please stop. I hate seeing you like this. I'm sorry okay, I'm not perfect and I'm not even close. I've made a lot of mistakes and I know I've disappointed you too but I'm trying to redeem myself and be a better person for you and for this family. You are the most important person in this world to me mum, I may have a weird way of showing it but it's true.
Ms Lantern: (smiles a bit)  Oh, well that's good to know. I'm so happy you found your way back to me. I love you son.
Matthias: I love you too mum.
Ms Lantern: Aww, okay. Stay right here let me get you something to eat.
Matthias: Okay. I'll be right here.
Ms Lantern: Alright. (she says as she walks to the kitchen excited).

*Matthias runs immediately to Cynthia's room*

Matthias: Cynthia! What did you do? What's going on?
Cynthia: Am I suppose to know what you're talking about?
Matthias: Don't play dumb with me you psycho child!
Cynthia: (laughs) I'm the psychotic one? You're crazy. Anyway I didn't do much okay? I just couldn't let my hardwork go to waste, and Victoria is hurt I care about her too. Emilia must be stopped.
Matthias: Really? You're too dumb to figure anything out on your own.
Cynthia: Well that's a rude thing to say but you're not wrong (she laughs). It was me and Vicky's idea but she changed her mind so I got a new associate.
Matthias: Who? (he asks looking unimpressed)
Cynthia: You can come out now Mariá.

*Mariá comes out of the closet*

Mariá: Hello Mr Matthias. It's nice to see you again.
Matthias: Mariá? I thought you were in Mexico. What are you doing here?
Mariá: I was in Mexico till I got a call from Cynthia here. We both share hatred for Emilia so we decided to work together.
Matthias: Wait, how the fuck are you speaking english so fluently?
Mariá: Oops, I blew that. Anyway it doesn't matter. People expect Mexicans to be just the help and not know too much and I've wondered why. I decided to find out myself by moving into the Krook's mansion years ago as a help. They kinda made me rethink the whole theory because they took me in and made me family. Guess it's only some rich dumb fuckers that treats the maids like trash. (she says indirectly referring to Emilia)
Cynthia: Well Matthy, now that you've been updated, why not grab a seat and watch our plan play out.

She opens her laptop which is showing everything and every room at the Krook's mansion right now.

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