▪The Letter 1.

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Vicky is in school walking in the hall way with Cynthia as they discuss how Emilia's presence is a pain.

Cynthia: So tell me everything! I need details.
Vicky: Well there isn't much to say but she's a total diva. She treats Mariá like she's just a help.
Cynthia: Isn't she?
Vicky: Of course not. Mariá is part of the family. At least more part than she'll ever be. She asked me to call her 'mommy'.
Cynthia: (laughs) wait you are serious? Why mommy? Why not mum or mo'? I don't even call my mother that. That is some sick ass request.
Vicky: What was even sicker was when my dad told me listen to her.
Cynthia: O-Oh, this is some cinderella shit all over again. Hopefully your dad doesn't die or something.
Vicky: Are you actually serious right now? Did you just say that?

*Vicky walks out angrily*

Cynthia: Come on girl. You can't take a joke?! Wait up Vicky!

*Hurries to catch up*

At home, Mariá and Emilia had the whole day to themselves. Krook had gone for a business meeting in New York and would be back later in the day. It was almost time for Vicky to return home. Mariá is preparing lunch.

*Emilia walks in*

Emilia: Mariá!!
Mariá: Yes madame.
Emilia: Why did you let me scream?
Mariá: You scream yourself ma'am I don't let you.
Emilia: Quiet you flee! Where's my lunch?
Mariá: I still cook it ma'am right here in the face.
Emilia: Are you calling me blind?? You know what? don't answer that. When will Victoria return?
Mariá: Most 1pm, other time 4pm.
Emilia: Well that's good to know. (walking away) oh and Mariá?
Mariá: Yes ma'am.
Emilia: From now on call the me 'The Beautiful Ms'
Mariá: (stares in awe)
Emilia: Did you suddenly turn deaf?
Mariá: No ma'am. Uhm I mean Z beautizful msz.
Emilia: Sounds repulsive when you say it but you'll get the hang of it. And oh when you're done here, meet me upstairs. Hopefully your foot massage is not as bad as your english.

Emilia walks upstairs and saw Vicky's room open and was anxious to go in.

Emilia: Oh whatever, she isn't around and even if she were...(she says to herself as she walks in)

Emilia walks round the room, slowly reading and making faces at trophies or certificates of honor. Till she found the letter.

*Vicky walks in*

Vicky: What are you doing in my room!?
Emilia: (a little shook but still manages to hide the letter) Victoria! Honeyyy, I thought you'd be back by 1pm or so.
Vicky: It is 1pm. (looks at watch) 1:15pm to be precise.
Emilia: Well dear, I was just walking and I found the door opened and decided to help you straighten things up.
Vicky: My room is spotless.
Emilia: Well, it wasn't in my eyes. I'm a perfectionist. Very organised. A neat freak if you may infact I'm actually OCD when it comes to.....

*Vicky interrupts*

Vicky: I've heard enough. Never enter my room again. It's my personal space and favorite room in this house. No one enters, not Mariá, not dad, least of all you. Okay?? Please leave.
Emilia: Sorry about this darling. It won't happen again.

Emilia was only trying to know more about Vicky in order to better their relationship. No one has ever spoken to Emilia like that. Not even her mother. It was at that moment Emilia's hatred for Vicky hatched.

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