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I ripped out another sheet of paper again from my sketch pad and slumped into my chair.How did he possibly expect me to design and sew a suite for him when the event was under some hours?

Normally I could have both designed and sown double the amount in less than an hour but I just couldn't concentrate,anything I drew always had a way of bringing me back to what had happened earlier today.His grip was still as firm as I remembered,now I had seen him up close I saw the few changes in his face.His jaw was now well defined and his lips...God..his lips were.......

A hard knock came from the door knocking me out of my thoughts."Can I come in?"Oliver asked.

"Sure."I replied as I grabbed my pencil again.

"Take a break."He said as he walked over and took a seat infront of me."You've been here for  8 hours now."He stated.

I looked up and  took a glance at my watch." Actually 6."I corrected.

He rolled his eyes and snatched my pencil."Give it back."I groaned as I tore out another sketch from my book.

"No."He replied and threw it into the trash can."You need to go home."It's getting late."He pointed out as he  grabbed my sketch pad also.

"But I haven't even started ."I complained as I tried to collect my pad back from him.

"You can continue tomorrow."He tried to reason as he tackled my hands.

"But the event is tomorrow."I interjected as I fell back on my chair.I finally noticed how  dark the hallway was with my office being the only source of light on the sixth floor.

"I will get it done"Oliver sighed out.

I sat up and turned my head to face him."Are you serious?"

He gave me a warm smile."Anything for you,Sel."He replied.

I stood up from my chair and gave him a tight hug."You're the best."

"I know."He replied as he tossed my back to me."Now go home,you need a lot of beauty sleep if you're going to knock Derek off tomorrow."He grinned.

I gave him a hard glare as I caught my bag.I quickly cleared everything from my desk and tidied the crumpled pieces of paper on the floor."Aren't you also going home."I asked as I picked up the last piece of paper.

"Nope."He answered."I have a suite to design and don't worry I will lock up when I am done."

"Thanks again."I smiled."This is the list of things he specifically wants in his suite."I said as I handed him a crumpled piece of paper.

"Red wine tail coat?"His brows arched." one wears peak lapels."He hissed under his breath.

"So I will see you tomorrow."I quickly said and made my way to the door.

"Next time,Fall in love with an Arabian billionaire."Oliver spat out."They like their suites normal.

I gave a light laugh as I jerked the door open.

"And Sel."Oliver called out as I was about to shut the door .

"Yes?"I turned my head to him.

"Wear black tomorrow."He winked.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door shut.The inside was by far better than the outside,the hallway was much darker from this view and Thank God the elevator was not so far from my office.

I held my bag tightly and began to walk.The constant clicking of my heels were the only sound that could be heard and for some reason,the silence was comforting.I didn't have time at all today,to recollect my thoughts and think

Next time,Fall in love with

Was that what I still felt for him,love ?did he also fill the same way?what if he had found someone,better,smarter,richer,....

I could have kept on listing criterias but the bright light from the elevator had pulled me from my thoughts.I clicked the button and waited patiently until the door chimed open.

I stepped inside and clicked the button for the first floor.I unzipped my bag and brought out my phone in order to be distracted from any thoughts of him.

"I am sorry about yesterday."A text  popped up on my screen.

I sighed and shook my head."No Dylan its my fault,I left you hanging there."I replied.

"I can never be mad at you babe."My heart melted as I read his message again.

"I will make it up to you."

This was another thing I liked about Dylan,we never argued or fought."How about tomorrow then...after your fashion show?"

I let out a small smile."Sure."

"Okay babe."He replied."Can you come down now,I've being standing here for hours."He messaged.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out to meet the cool breeze of the night fan my face.Everywhere was silent and dark,apart from the white Crv parked in front of me which was the only source of light and  standing beside the crv was a brown-haired tall man dressed in a dark suite-Dylan.

I held my suitcase tightly and walked over to meet him.He ran over to me and pulled me tightly to him,embracing me with his warmth as he buried his face in my hair.

"You're a crazy guy."I laughed as i felt his cold hands hold my waist tight.

"Only for you Sel..only for you."He replied as he drew my chin up and began to kiss me softly.

I kissed him back,trying to add more passion but Dylans kisses were slow and steady like he was trying not to hurt me but I wanted him to make me feel  alive,make me feel like I was strong and  had forgotten everything Derek ever made me feel.

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