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Are you okay?

I rushed to his side and picked up his injured hands. His body tensed with the sudden gesture and his hands balled up into a fist. Without making eye contact, I gently opened them up and bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying at the sight of his ruined palms. The broken pieces of glass had cut deep into his flesh, leaving trails of blood at every corner of his fingers, I didn't need to ask if he was in pain. I could feel his pain just by looking at it.

I carefully picked out the pieces of glass from his bare flesh. I tried to make the action as quick as possible but he remained still and quiet throughout the process. I could feel his heavy gaze on me, it was as if he was forcing me to look into his eyes, and looking into them meant I would see his thoughts. I didn't want to see the disgust he had for me in his eyes. I was sure that he thought of me as nothing but a shameless whore, who only went after wealthy Bachelors.

I tried to stay focused on getting all the pieces out. Dylan had lied to me all these years, he told me he was an architect, a simple man, but how could I have been so blind. From the exotic cars down to his fashion sense, nothing was ever simple about him.

Who was Dylan exactly?

Who was his father?

And how did he know Derek?

I asked myself those questions as I continued throwing the glasses covered with blood on the floor. I couldn't care less who was looking and how I was perceived while doing this. I only cared about removing the glasses from his hands, this little activity was the only action that helped me to avoid the questions and the people who were now gathered around us.


I didn't need to look up to know who was calling my name. He was the only one that could ever pronounce it so well with a thick accent, I tried to hold back a smile and pretend to not hear him as I continued with his hands. The sound of the glasses falling on the tiled floors was comforting, I was scared to stop focusing on the low clicks they made. If I did, I would focus only on his voice.

"Selami "He growled lowly in a tone that only I could hear.

The intensity of his voice would have made any person jump back but after all these years, I was aware of how stubborn he could be. I ignored him again and went after the last piece. After I got it out. I quickly unwrapped my scarf from my neck and tied it around his palm to stop him from bleeding, I wrapped it as tight as I could on his large hands. With a satisfied smile, I got up to leave his side but he snatched my wrist before I could.

I finally met his icy eyes. I was right, he was in a lot of pain but I couldn't see irritation or disgust, maybe I was imagining this but he looked shattered.

I must have had a lot to drink to think that Derek Xavier Allen, the one who shatters people could possibly feel pain.

But you made him feel this.

I took in a deep breath to clear my thoughts from taking over me. He used his injured hand to hold me back. 

Maybe he wasn't in physical pain.

He angrily pulled my hands closer to him.

"Your hands. "He said before looking away from my face.I almost screamed when I saw blood spilling out of my two fingers. I was too busy fixing his injury that I didn't realize that I was also injured as well.

How many times would I let him hurt me?

I tried to remove my hands from his hold but he didn't flinch or shake, rather he picked up my two bleeding fingers and inspected them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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