Annabelle-Updated chapter

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The cold breeze fanned my face as I jerked the handle open. No matter how many times I entered here, I could never get used to the feeling of calling this place mine; my office was exactly the same way I had left it last night .I sighed as I cleared the sheets of unfinished designs on the table. After I was done, I took a seat and let out loud sigh as I recapped all that had happened last night.

It all began after we got out of the car.

Let me help you with that. Dylan offered as he carried the remaining groceries from the back seat. We had stopped on the way to pick up a few necessities since I would be spending a night at his place.

Thank you. I replied before I unlocked the door. He gave me a spare key to his house about a month ago so you could assume that half of my stuff were at his place. I stayed over at his place more than I did in mine and the days when I was not at Dylans place, I was with charlotte. Charlotte lived a block away from me, it was really a huge blessing to always have Charl and get to see her whenever I needed to.

I opened the door wide and stepped aside as he made his way. Could you please check if my phone is in the car? He asked as he dropped the bags on the table.


I jerked the handle of the car open and turned on the lights. There was nothing in here.I carefully checked again before I locked the car and retired back into the house. Dylan lived alone in a very quiet neighbourhood.He had no pets or pictures on his wall and no single piece of thing that had a memory of him, he lived in a large villa with enough space to occupy all his neighbors if he wanted to. I didnt know much about him, all I knew was that he worked as an architect in a big company which paid really well considering the fact that his drive way was filled with cars which were either sports cars or exotic cars, there was definitely more to Dylan Mulberry than met the eye.

Hey I said as I walked to the kitchen. I didnt see any.

I choked on my words as I met different foods on the table. I couldnt believe my eyes, all my favorite meals were prepared and to top it all off, the table was perfectly set with candles and roses.

Is it okay Anne? He asked.

I mustered up the courage to look away from the food and to him. He had a bottle of wine in his right hand and two glass cups on the other. He was looking at the table, trying so hard to find a flaw in his work.

I love it. I cried as I ran over to give him a tight hug. Thank you. I said as I was still wrapped in his arms. It is perfect.

Anything for you my Sel. He replied while whipping away the fallen tears from my cheek. I couldnt help but cry, no one had ever done this much for me in a long time.

After he made sure that all the tears from my face were gone, he pulled out a chair for me and I took a seat.

What would you like to start with? He opened up two soups. Egusi or okra soup?

I smiled and took in the smell of the food. Okra please.

Okay love. He smiled as he served me a bowl filled with okra.

How could you not love Okra soup?

This tastes so good. I said as I took a large spoon of soup. Where did you learn how to make this? I asked as I dug my spoon deeper into the bowl with the purpose of finding a snail.

He dished a bowl of Egusi with swallow and took a seat opposite me.Well, I lived in Nigeria for seven years before residing in Miami. He answered as he washed his hands and molded a perfect ball of garri.

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