Derek Xavier Allen

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I turned around again for the fourth time. I was waiting, waiting for a reason; any reason at all not to enter this jet right now and sit for more than six hours just to end up in Florida, the one place I swore I would never step foot in again.

"Excuse me Sir but we are running late. Maxwell said as he took a quick glance at his watch.

I took a long deep breath as I walked up the steps. It had been five years since I had entered this jet, every little thing always brought back the suffocating memory of her. I diverted my eyes away from the seat close to the window which I clearly remembered was her best position and walked forward till I reached the end of the plane and took my seat.


"Excuse me, Sir." A soft voice said as I received a series of light taps on my shoulder. My eyes flew open to meet a pair of grey eyes examining me. "We have arrived."

I averted my eyes from her face to my shoulder, her hands were rested comfortably on me. I looked at her skinny fingers with a glare so hard that she quickly removed her hand and apologized as I got up from my seat and walked out of the plane.

Apparently, my arrival in Florida was a big thing because as I stepped foot on the ground, numerous men came out all at once with their cameras, screaming my name and making it hard for me to see as camera lights kept on flashing. Being the professional I was, I made my way pass them, ignoring all their questions as my body guards led the way to my car.

I quickly entered into the car and shut the door. I took my phone out from my pocket but before I could do anything with it, I heard my name.


I looked up from my phone to see Gremlins wrinkled face and a small smile forming on his cheek." It is really you....Your father said that I would be expecting a visitor but I....."

Gremlin had definitely changed since the last time I had seen him. His once dark beards had now turn grey and were accompanied by the countless wrinkles on his face, I couldn't tell if he was aging or just stressed.

"Can you start the car. I interrupted him before I returned back to my phone.

I couldn't face Gremlin knowing fully well that I had failed him in every single way possible. I had not only abandoned the closest thing I had to a father but I had also abandoned the closest person I did have as a family-Penelope.

"So after five years of missing all of Penelope's birthdays, dance recitals,presentations,awards...all you can say is "Start the car?" He yelled.

My eyes snapped up from my phone to meet his red eyes. His eyes were filled with hope, he was desperately searching for the high school boy he knew six years ago but I couldn't give him hope to find a person that wasn't there anymore." I do not pay you to give me moral lessons." I said coldly. "I pay you to drive me, now will you start the car or do I do it myself?"

Gremlin quickly wiped away the tears that had escaped from his eyes and finally ignited the engine. "Where to Mr. Allen?" He asked. His voice was so cold, I found it quite hard to believe that he was the same man in tears a while ago.

In that moment, I wanted to take everything I had said back. I wanted to tell him my problems and here his solutions to them. I wanted him to call me Derek not Mr. Allen.

"I will send the address to your GPS."I replied as I returned back to the blank phone showing the reflection of my stoned face.


"This is the key to your room, Sir. The concierge said as she handed me a gold card.The body guard on my left took it from her as the bell boy carried my bags and loaded them into the trolley.

After Gremlin had dropped me off in the Silver Palms inn hotel, he drove off without a single word. The project was based in Miami so staying in Orlando wasn't an option, even if I would consider going back to that place to check out my old houses, all I would see would be ashes, I burnt it all; my cars, rooms, everything that reminded me of her.

With one swift swipe on the door, the bell boy opened the door and walked in with my body guards following him and me behind them. As soon as he dropped my luggage and showed me around, I pulled out a note from my pocket and handed it to him.

His eyes widened as he looked at the dollar note and then back to me." But Sir....this is too much for a....."

Before he could utter another word, my guards shut the door on his shocked face. I made my way to the window. The sun began to set, reflecting its orange light on the sea which made the water shine more than it usually did.

"Florida is a huge place, there is no possible way that you will run into her. I tried convincing myself.

My eyes are half closed and I hope you enjoy the chapter. I am one hour late. Enjoy

Next update tomorrow.

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