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""I stuttered as he smiled down at me.

"I guess my surprise is ruined then."Perry smiled as he steadied me to my feet.

He opened his arms for a hug and I embraced him as tight as I could.I owed this man so much,he  was the one who had taken me this far.

"I missed you too."He laughed as he pulled away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you would be coming?"I asked as I bent down to pick the pieces of a paper that flew out from my folder.

"I wanted to surprise you,Anny."He answered as he bent down to help me.

Perry Williams was a blonde- haired man with a very lanky but tall body.He was in his late twenties and married with three kids,he was also the co-owner of Gucci.Yes this was the same Perry that had also given me the task of designing the Gucci collection I had mentioned earlier.

"So how are Grace and the kids."I asked as I tucked in the loose papers neatly into my folder.

"They are fine and they send their greetings."He said as he handed me my bag.

I smiled as I remembered William,Gracie and Timmy,Perrys triplets who all inherited his blonde curly hair.It turned out that Perry's wife-Grace had attended the launch of the summer collection and she loved my designs so much that she had forced Perry to introduce her to me and from there,we had dinner and I got introduced to the triplets. Unfortunately Perry and his family lived In France so after the dinner they had gone back.

"I will visit soon enough."I replied and followed behind him as he entered inside the hotel.

The lobby was huge,the floors were covered with dark red carpets which emphasized the large chandelier which hung at the center of the room,at each and every conner they were body guards who stood still up to the point that you would think that they were actual statues.Perry walked like he owned the place and I tried to emulate his confidence as I passed a large-bald headed guard who stared at me suspiciously .

"So how long will you be in Miami?"I asked as I tried to to start a conversation.

"For a month or so."He replied as he pressed the elevator button open.


"You can't come in."A loud voice from the elevator announced.

I stepped aside from Perry to check what the hold up was about and stopped in my tracks when I met  this huge wall of body guards which were surrounding something.Perry tried to reason with the men to let us in but they were not hearing it until one of the men snapped his head backwards,Perry stepped away from me and became part of the circle of body guards then after a while he came out of the circle and received a collective nod from the men.

"What is going on?"I whispered and watch the men adjust themselves to receive two more people.

"Don't ask just move."He replied as he pulled me in with him before the door to the elevator closed.

I and Perry moved behind the wall of men and maintained a comfortable Silence until a phone began to ring.I tore my bag open and searched for my phone but before I found it,the ringing had stopped.

"Parler."A firm hard voice said.This voice was different from any voice I had ever heard,it had this commanding effect which would make you want to stand still and Obey any instruction it gave and I was more than sure that this voice belonged to the person standing in the center of those men.

"Envoyer la paperasse á ma secrétaire et je reviens vers vous."He ordered.

Then suddenly he became silent and for an odd reason I wanted to hear his voice again.I was about to speak to Perry until the clearing of his throat interrupted me."Je ne tolére pas le retard.He said in a slow deadly whisper.

I don't know why I felt so drawn to this man for all I knew he could be married or old or....

The elevator door chimed  open and the wall of men began to break down one by one.All of a sudden, I felt so scared and hid behind Oliver as the men faded away leaving behind only one man .

His hair was Jet black and short,he definitely looked like he was in his early twenties and he was dressed in a navy blue suite which laid emphasis to his perfectly built body.Now one critical thing was left,what did he look like?

He tucked his phone inside his suite pocket and began to walk away.He walked like he owned the place but as much as I enjoyed watching him walk,I couldn't let him leave until I saw his face,I wanted to do something anything at all but before I could act on impulse he froze.Slowly he turned around and faced me.

In that moment I wanted to hide more than anything else,if possible I wanted to die right here and right now.His hair was a different color but his face was something I could never mistake because it was one I had drawn and tried to capture for the past five years now,it was truly him but what would I say to him,how would I.....

I didn't have time to prepare for what to say next because he was already walking towards me and I began to shake as the memory of what happened to us came back to me.

He stretched out his hand and I was ever willing to grab it.

Maybe he had forgiven me and had come back to...........

"It was nice seeing you Perry."He said.

My heart fell.

"Same here Derek."He replied as he returned the shake.

"I go by Mr. Xavier now."He corrected as he removed his hand fro Perry's

"I will be sure to remember it next time."Perry smiled but Derek didn't return it rather he nodded and began to walk away.

And there it was again that ability to want to do something but not doing it at all.

"Mr.Xavier."Perry called.

Derek stopped again."Yes?"

Perry cleared his throat."Well I am having a fashion show later this week and it would be an honor if you would attend."

Derek became silent as if he was contemplating the consequences of something drastic he was about to do.

"Will designers from Balmain attend this show?'He asked.

Perry looked down at me for support but I shook my head and silently pleaded with my eyes for him not to blow my cover.

"Well..umm...Yes....some of them will be......"

"I will be there."He cut in and finally walked away.

I know I am owing chapters and I will pay them up.Is this long enough for you guys or should I make it longer and good news .....I have found a book cover.

comment and like as much chapters to get a shot out or a dedication.

 I love you guys so much

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