Chapter 3 (The Morning After)

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The air is knocked out of your lungs as he falls on top of you.

"Fuck," he breathes.

You wheeze, partly because you have no air and partly because you can feel his entire torso pressed against you.

He tenses and rolls onto his side, freeing you.

You gasp.

"I'm so sorry," he says, his eyebrows pulled together with pain. "My head really hurts, I can't seem to find my balance."

"It's... ok..." you squeeze out.

He closes his eyes, panting.

"Shibal..." He whispers.

A laugh bursts out of you.

He smiles a tiny smile despite himself.

You push his body more fully onto the sofa, laying him sideways.

"I'm. So. Embarrassed." Jimin covers his face with his hand.

"Don't be. Everyone gets sick at some point," you answer.

You remove your cardigan, roll it up into a lump and slide it under his head.

"Thank you," he whispers.

"I'm going to go get you some water," you tell him.

You leave him, gather your belongings and head to the office.
Dropping off all of it on your desk, you visit the break room.

You fill a cup with warm water and fold some paper towels into your pocket.

Then you grab some ice from the freezer, shoving it into a ziplock bag.

By the time you get back to the practice room, Jimin has gone very still.

He's faded out, you realize.

His breathing is shallow but steady.

It may be good for him to sleep a while.

You wrap the ziplock bag of ice in a few pieces of paper towel, and fold it onto Jimin's forehead.

You drink the water yourself as he sleeps.

You wait.

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