Peterson Wellington

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Submitted by: @lamixed

Reviewed by: thief_queen


Fandom: Original X Marvel
Ooo, I'm excited :)

Name: Peterson Wellington

Age: 29

Race: 2/3 British 1/3 Israeli

Background: Peterson is born to an ex British agent and an ex half Israeli Soldier. He's grown up in England but at 17 his parents had to go to Israel they were supposed to stay one year but it took longer and Peterson turned 18 and was enrolled in the Israeli army. He was very efficient and at 20 he go back to UK. He was approached by Z (head of the MISS who have relations with Israeli army) but he didn't want to. He did an formation and graduated early and decided to travel. He settled down to Berlin where he met Hannah Even and Fu Wong who was an cousin of his friend that committed suicide when he was 15. Hannah and him became inseparable and he grew up very protective of Fu. He follow Hannah in her travel and keep contact with Fu. Hannah is later kidnapped and Fu murdered. He contact Z for help and she accept only if he join MISS. He accept. At the end Hannah (who was an agent tho) was rescued and he became an MISS agent.
Interesting background, very action-filled.

Looks: Peterson is attractive he is 1m89 (6 ft. 2 in. ) he had dark auburn hair. He wear casual clothes. He is muscular but not too much.

Skills: Weapon: He is pro efficient with any type and is an excellent marksman. He is also very smart. He is trained as an MISS agent so he is very good in martial and had the Israeli program and is expert in Krav Maga.

Powers: Peterson have an skin that can take bullet Blades acid you name it. He has vision that allows him to see in the dark 8/10 see very far 9/10 X-ray 10/10 and body heat 8/10 can see very little elements 78/100 He is stronger than average athlete.
Dang, he's pretty powerful...

Weaknesses: He is not immune to poison. His skin can take bullets, yes, but it's not impossible to hurt. He can feel pain. He is more predisposed to maladies. Drugs. He has no tact. Stubborn. Always trying to spare innocent. Thinks he can save everyone. His eyes are way more sensitive to light and he can have major pain by using his powers.
I'm not too sure his powers balance out with his weaknesses.

Family: Ann Goshayev (mother alive) Peterson Calvin Sr. (father alive) He has a really good relationship with both of them visit them. Grandma Goshayev (deceased form sick he loved very much) Grandfather (alive he visit him)
Aw, he really loves his family.

Friends: Hannah Even (BEST OF BEST FRIENDS) Brody and Hollie Even, Callum Bond, Zoe Allens, Z, good terms with Avengers, Fu Wong (deceased), Dr. Silvia Aramura (in an mental hospital), Dreyfus Bennington (deceased) Agent 45 (deceased), John Rupert, Gary Ron (deceased) Jay Wong (deceased)
Almost all his friends are dead lol.

Self esteem: 10/10 but is not a jerk about it.

Logic or Emotion: He prefer is logic in 78% of time but he has a heart.

Personality: He is pretty sociable and open. He is very adventurous and is pretty simple to live. (But he got is extra moments too). He has no filter and he's stubborn. He has a protective nature and tries to put innocent people out of his things. His friend's suicide had change his view of life and he always feels guilty for it cuz he think he can save everyone and sometimes learn that he can't the hard way. He still tries to be a good person. He is loyal.

Extrovert or Introvert: Extrovert.


Him and Hannah are just friends they do not have feelings.

He is born in Israel

He hates it when people make fun of Jews. (Except if it's funny but some jokes for him are just )

He speaks Hebrew

Him and his mom talk Hebrew every time they see something or someone they don't like

"No one is a better cook than my mom"

He eats a lot but train a lot.

Before his friend's suicide Peterson didn't take attention to others.

Fu death affect him because she remind of his friend a lot and he feel like him he didn't protect her.

His plot will be his arc his missions how him and Hannah develop such an close friendship. He will be on the Sokovia Accords book. (This book is about the Sokovia Accords. MISS is suppressed and meta human are being chased or experienced. ) An second book will be after Avengers 4 and will see how MISS agent will allied with avenger shield
Ahhh ok.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dislike: People who always try to show off how much they are not like others (difference is good for him but someone who constantly bring about it it's something else), Rain, Bad breath, Romantic movie mostly, (he think that they are not original mostly), Bugs, Triggered people, Anything that try to put romance in Mental Illness, 13 reasons why (he doesn't hate the show he doesn't like people that are all of sudden so concerned and blabla like we haven't talk about suicide), 50 shades, Beauty and the Beast "She fall in love with some beast after being held captive" -Peterson. Twilight (1) His nieces make him watch the whole saga 2) Vampires Werewolf and Human really? 3) "So Jacob have a weird things for the daughter huh? Didn't he try to get the mom tho?")

Likes: Coffee, Chocolate, Family, Travel, Alcool (moderate), Watching people getting petty, Joan the Scam, FOOD, Helping other, Bath, His tv shows, Sherlock Holmes, Chicken, Maltesers, Any water activities, Hamilton, Pistachios,

Extra: No **** Sherlock to Dr. Strange

Constructive Criticism: I love the plot of his character! My only complaint would be that I think he's pretty overpowered, and that his weaknesses aren't really in any weapons or hand to hand combat type stuff.

Maybe it might have to be really specific, like if he's in hand to hand combat he leaves his right side open sometimes...?

Intrigue: 87%

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