Hanna Lee

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Submitted by: Dementedkat

Reviewed by: thief_queen


Fandom or Original Work: Original

Name: Hanna Lee

Plot: Original story. Hanna lives a normal life until an illness (Like Influenza or Bubonic Plague type extinction level.) take over the world. After getting separated from her family she must survive in this world with no government. 
Oh dang.

Age: 16

Race: Pacific islander

Background: She lived in Hawaii all her life, her mother and father are hard working. She had a normal life. At 15 she got a job at a local vacation resort as a guide for snorkeling and surfing.
Does she keep this job after the illness?

Talents/Skills: Can hold her great at holder her breath and water activities. (Swimming, surfing, fishing, etc.)
Is this going to help her out somehow?

Sexuality: Straight

Significant Other: None
That's cool. I'm kind of glad that she doesn't have a romantic interest, sometimes it adds an unnecessary side plot.

Appearance: (Straight form my work) At 16 years old Hanna was nearly a full grown woman, or at least in her mind her was. Form living in the sun she had tanned olive skin. She had a feminine face with soft fetchers, her lips were full and matched her skin tone. She had warm honey amber eyes with long dark eyelashes. Her hair was a deep natural brown with many sandy blonde sun streaks mixed in. It was so thick it she barely brushed it, which only added to the waviness. It was always reaching down to her mid back. Her body was heavy built. She wasn't particularly thick or thin but a good in between although compared to the other girls she had more mass. She went 'ideal' but her could hold her only in the water.
She seems really pretty, is there anything that makes her stand out in a crowd?

Habits: Daydreaming, taking off her shoes.

Mental Illnesses: None, maybe some PTSD after the hold end of the world/losing her family  thing.
That's understandable. Just make sure you're careful writing PTSD, research it to make sure you're representing it correctly. Don't romanticize, it's not a beautiful illness, my uncle has it.

Self-Confidence Level: Great.

Ruled by Emotion/Logic or a Mix?: Definitely Emotionally rule after she doubts herself.

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert. She likes the silence.
That's pretty cool, does this mean she stays by herself, or does she eventually find a partner/group?

Strengths: Great in water and plants/animals.
Will this somehow relate to the story?

Weaknesses: Nirav about the things outside her world.

Extra Notes: She works as a guide for snorkeling and surfing at one of the local vacation resort, whats to be an oceanographer, good relationship with family.

Constructive Criticism: Hanna seems a tad too perfect in my eyes. It appears as though she doesn't have any physical flaws or mental flaws (until the PTSD later in the story.) And her strengths and weaknesses seem a tad irrelevant to the plot, but of course I don't know everything you have planned, I could just be mistaken.

Try to cut out things that aren't necessary.

Intrigue: 65%, due to seemingly perfect character.

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