The questions and answers.

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Sokka- so how did you end up in that ice. Aang-  I crashed in a storm. Katara-  so how did you end up frozen. Aang- not sure I don't remember anything after going down, why has no one seen a airbender in over a hundred years.  Sokka-  you don't know haven't you heard about the war? Aang- what war? Katara gaps - you don't know Aang I am so sorry. Aang-  know what why are you sorry? Sokka-  well its a long story you see the fire nation kinda oh I suck at this Katara you tell him. Katara-  me why you started. Sokka-  because he likes you more and your a girl its in your nature to be kind caring loving and comforting its who you are sis. Katara-  I hate that your making me tell him. Aang watched them argue in confusion why was telling him some thing such a bad thing.  Katara-  Aang the fire nation knew the avatar was to be reborn into airnomads so they attacked and killed all the airnomads, they started a war that has be going on for a hundred years. Sokka-  only the avatar can stop them but he vanished. Katara-  he will return. Aang was shock and hurt he could not believe this he heard rumors of a fire nation attack but he could not believe they did this. Katara-  i know you are upset but maybe there is a bright side to this. Aang-  there is they failed they where looking for the avatar but they never found him now he has returned and is going to stop them sozin will regret ever going after my people. Sokka and Katara were stunned. Sokka- no way. Katara- Aang are you saying that your the avatar?  Aang-  I am. Katara-  why did you not tell me earlier?  Aang-  you didn't ask and because everyone treated me differently when they found out I lost all my friends and the monks wanted me to train then they tried to send me away and take me from monk gyatso so I ran away.  Sokka-  that is so sad. Katara-  I am sorry they did that to you Aang.  Aang-  I just liked being normal again having a friend again. Katara-  well we are not going to stop being your friends just because your the avatar. Sokka- that's right, so how many elements do you know? Aang-  just air I need to learn water next good thing I am in a water tribe. Katara-  Aang there are no waterbenders here except me the fire nation took them all away and I am no master I barely know anything. Sokka-  we could try the northern tribe. Aang and Katara -we? Little girl- Sokka Katara Aang come quick there is a fire navy ship approaching the village!  Sokka- not on my watch! Aang-  don't worry I will take care of it!

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