I felt Katerina's grin grow wider behind me but I had had enough of her for one day to care. I was getting out of here.

"I found your family," she shouted confidently at me even though we were merely ten feet apart.

"They're in New Orleans. That's why I'm here. I don't want to see any of them. I don't care what Elijah told you," I said.

"Not them. Your real family."

I set my jaw and turned around slowly.

What did she just say?

"What?" The words escaped my mouth.

My family. My family? I had no real family. My parents were dead. My family was dead, those bloody witches, my coven, had killed them. I felt my anger rose and I vamped over and stood right in front of her narrowing my eyes.

"What?" I snapped whispering menacingly.

She was trying to suppress her grin. Was she mocking me?

"I found a lead and followed it. I had to use a couple of favours some witches owed me, but I figured I could spend them on you," she said nonchalantly, "I've found your brother, Beyla."

"My brother," I repeated frowning, not understanding what she was talking about.

My brother? I had a brother?

"His name is Björn," she said, "He's alive and well."

I noticed that I was starting to breathe faster and deeper. I felt something warm trail down my cheeks, tears maybe. My head felt hot. What was happening to me?

I turned around, giving her my back, and tried to make sense of my thoughts.

"He lives in Norway," she continued, "I've met him. He's quite the gentleman. A witch. And he wants to meet you."

My mouth felt dry but my cheeks were wet. The tears reached my lips and left a salty taste that mixed with the bitter blood.

My brother was alive? How was this possible? I- I didn't have a brother. The witches had killed my parents.

What was I thinking? Those damn witches could have very well lied about that too. I wouldn't put it past them. But I wasn't angry. Why wasn't I furious? I wanted to feel rage. I wanted to feel so angry I'd want to rip their throats out again. I wanted to feel the joy that should come with the news. I wanted to be happy that I had a brother I could actually call mine. I wanted to feel.

"Do you want to meet him?" Katerina asked softly.

Yes, I thought instantly.

She touched my shoulder lightly. "Beyla?"

I dropped to the ground on my knees and the tears fell, I was laughing and crying. I felt my chest warm and realized that I was feeling. And this I hadn't felt it in a while. I was happy. I was angry. And I was so happy and so angry that I was crying.

Was I feeling again?

I was trying to get myself together but my head was full of thoughts, images of all the people I had killed in such little amount of time flashed in front of my eyes.

Oh gods, what had I done?

Happiness for Katerina's news. Hope for maybe finding my long lost family. Sadness for the lives I had ended. Guilt for those last words I had uttered to Nik. I had let him believe I called Mikael. He must have hated me. I was ashamed for having been so weak to let myself turn my humanity off in the first place!

Everything was happening at the same time and it hurt so much that I had to grab my temples and scream.

Katerina stood there awkwardly until she crouched next to me and pulled me close, she started to hush me and try to calm me.

"It's alright," she told me holding me, "You're alright."

But I knew better.

"Listen, you're not the first vampire to go though this. You just have to focus on one thing. Alright? One emotion."

I listened to her voice, trying to think of something. Trying to find that thing that would make me rise above all this pain and make me survive it.

"Let it in," she ordered.

I found it.

I visibly untensed and she started to give me more space.

"Congratulations," she said, rubbing my back, "You found what makes you want to feel. What makes you want to be human."

I released a shaky breath and shut my eyes and tightly as I could. It still hurt. But it would get better. The hole in my heart would heal. I just had to focus on that one thing.

"Björn. My brother," I confessed, "I thought of him. I want to meet him... Take me to him."

»»———— - - - ————««

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