"You sure are making Tre miserable by hanging around like a wounded stray cat. He is working himself into a tizzy; it pains me to see how much pain he was in at the gym earlier. It's written all over his face, he is tired and worn. You are the only problem I could see that would have him so uptight."

"Haven't you seen first-hand what you do to men? Will was unhappy causing the flesh to be weakened, and now Tre is driving himself too hard because of you."

"I think it's time for you two to leave," I listened to everything they had to say but I will be damned if I allow them the curtesy of knowing every word hit home. "You've had your time to speak; now it's time to leave."

"Val, I told you she was weak. Our men deserve better," Zennia boasted before delivering one last smirk and a wave. The two trollops left the scene of a hideous crime. Sadly, the one thing Zennia said that made me think was that I was weak. Truly, I was so weak and I hated it. 'Lord, why is this happening to me?'


Although I felt like pure crap for allowing myself to be seduced by Megan the other night, I was beyond thrilled at the chance to live out my fantasy. Feeling her thick thighs quiver because of what I was delivering was a dream come true. Putting every ounce I had into tiring her out, I reached a record for the most climaxes in one night. All without any steroidal supplement to alter my stamina, her naked body calling me was all the inspiration I needed.

The morning after was the worst hangover ever and not from too many beers. This hangover was from the euphoric high of being with the woman I craved and knowing that the shit was about to hit the fan. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that she would beat herself into submission after this. That was the main reason I didn't take her the night she woke me up moaning and groaning in her sleep. Even though I asked the dumb question about her dreams, I knew it was a good one.

Another reason why I left to sleep on the couch that night, she was rubbing up against me like a cat in heat and I couldn't keep putting my mini-me through that torture. Being neglected for so long by that man, that heartless bastard made her into a little bundle of hormones that needed to be released. Although it's as wrong as fake money, I am rather pleased that I was the recipient of all her body had to offer.

Just thinking about what was between those creamy thighs, the two cantaloupes that jiggled every thrust I made, caused my loins to tingle. The way her lips would part while she alternated between biting her bottom lip and licking them both when I hit the perfect spot. Her eyebrows would scrunch up, while her eyes closed softly, with an arch in her back, and firm grip on the sheets she'd pull me in deeper.

"I thought it was against the rules to allow animals in here." A voice I wasn't ready to hear said above me. "That includes pythons."

"Valerie, what are you doing here?"

"I just had a tough workout, and I was sore. You were the one to tell me that a good soak would help sore muscles after a strenuous workout." On cue, she removed the towel that was around her body to reveal the most flimsy pieces that was supposed to be a swim suit. "Like what you see?"

"Since there is little to the imagination, I'm sure everyone will."

"Seeing as there is no one here but you and me, it doesn't much matter."

"I suppose your right."

"Still babysitting the wounded feline?" She asked with glee in her voice.

"Still trolling for scraps," I asked not bothering to look any further than her face.

"Tre, what is it about her? What is it that I don't have?" I groaned and tilted my head back to gather my thoughts. Women are so predictable, this chick is jealous when there was nothing but one night in the mix. "I would complement a man of your stature. Wouldn't you agree?" Now she was too close for comfort, if anyone saw us it wouldn't look right at all.

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